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    • 复分析(第4版影印版)
      • 作者:(美)S.朗|责编:高蓉//李黎
      • 出版社:世界图书出版公司
      • ISBN:9787506260060
      • 出版日期:2003/12/01
      • 页数:485
    • 售价:47.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    PART ONE  Basic Theory
      CHAPTER Ⅰ  Complex Numbers and Functions
        2.Polar Form
        3.Complex Valued Functions
        4.Limits and Compact Sets Compact Sets
        5.Complex Differentiability
        6.The Cauchy-Riemann Equations
        7.Angles Under Holomorphic Maps
      CHAPTER Ⅱ  Power Series
        1.Formal Power Series
        2.Convergent Power Series
        3.Relations Between Formal and Convergent Series
          Sums and Products
          Composition of Series
        4.Analytic Functions
        5.Differentiation of Power Series
        6.The Invelse and Open Mapping Theorems
        7.The Local Maximum Modulus Principle
      CHAPTER Ⅲ  Cauchy's Theorem, First Part
        1.Holomorphic Functions on Connected Sets  Appendix: Connectedness
        2.Integrals Oer Paths
        3.Local Primitive for a Holomorphic Function
        4.Ancther Description of 1he Integral Along a Path
        5.The Homotopy Form of Cauchy's Theorem
        6.Existence of Global Primitives.Definition of the Logarithm
        7.The Local Cauchy Formula
      CHAPTER Ⅳ  Winding Numbers and Cauchy's Theorem
        1.The Winding Number
        2.The Global Catchy Theorem Dixon's PIocf of Theorem 2.5 (Cauchy's Formula)
        3.Artin's Proof
      CHAPTER Ⅴ  Applications 1 Cauchy's Integral Formula
        1.Uniform Limits of Analytic Functions
        2.Lament Series
        3.Isolated Singularities
          Removable Singularities
          E sential Singularities
      CHAPTER Ⅵ  Calculus ot Residues
        1.The Residue Formula
          Residues of Differentials
        2.Evaluation of Definite Integrals
          Fourier Transforms
          Trigonometric Integrals
          Mellin Transforms
      CHAPTER Ⅶ  Conlormsl Mappings
        1.Schwarz Lemma

        2.Analytic Automorphisms of the Dic
        3.The Upper Half Plane
        4.Olher Examples
        5.Fractional Linear Transformations
      CHAPTER Ⅷ  Harmonic Functions
          Application: Perpendicularity
          Application: Flow Lines
        3.Basic Properties of Harmonic Functions
        4.The Poisson Formula
          The Poisson Integral as a Convolution
        5.Construction of Harmonic Furctions
        6.Appendix. Differentiating Under the Integral Sign
    PART TWO  Geometric Function Theory
      CHAPTER Ⅸ  Schwarz Reflection
        1.Schwarz Reflection (by Complex Conjugation)
        2.Reflection Across Analytic Arcs
        3.Application cf Schwatz Reflection
      CHAPTER Ⅹ  The Riemann Mapping Theorem
        1.Statement of the Theorem
        2.Compact Sets in Function Spces
        3.Proof cf the Riemann Mapping Theorem
        4.Behavior at the Boundary
      CHAPTER Ⅺ  Analytic Continuation Along Curves
        1.Continuation Along a Curve
        2.The Dilogarithm  
        3.Application lo Picard's Theorem
    PART THREE  Various Analytic Topics
      CHAPTER Ⅻ  Applications of the Maximum Modulus Principle and Jensen's Formula
        1.Jensen's Formula
        2.The Picard-Borel Theorem
        3.Bounds by the Real Part, Borel-Carathrodory Theorem
        4.The Use cf Three Circles and the Effect of Small Derivatives
          Hermite Interpolation Formula
        5.Entire Functions with Rational Valves
        6.The Phragmen-Lindelrf and Hadamard Theorems
      CHAPTER ⅩⅢ  Entire and Meromorphic Functions
        1.Infinite Products
        2.Weierstrass Products
        3.Functions of Finite Order
        4.Meromorphic Functions, Mittag-Leffler Theorem
      CHAPTER XIV  Elliptic Functions
        1.The Liouville Theorems
        2.The Weierstrass Function
        3.The Addition Theorem
        4.The Sigma and Zeta Functions
      CHAPTER ⅩⅤ  The Gamma and Zeta Functions
        1.The Differentiation Lemma
        2.The Gamma Function

          Weierstrass Product
          The Gauss Multiplication Formula (Distribution Relation)
          The (Other) Gauss Formula
          The Mellin Transform
          The Starling Formula
          Proof of Starling's Formula
        3.The Lerch Formula
        4.Zeta Functions
      CHAPTER ⅩⅥ  The Prime Number Theorem
        1.Basic Analytic Properties of the Zeta Function
        2.The Main Lemma and its Application
        3.Proof of the Main Lemma
      1.Summation by Parts and Non-Absolute Convergence
      2.Difference Equations
      3.Analytic Differential Equations
      4.Fixed Points of a Fractional Linear Transformation
      5.Cauchy's Formula for C Functions
      6.Cauchy's Theorem for Locally Integrable Vector Fields



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