本书讲述了Banach代数在算子理论中的应用,内容包括Banach空间的基本理论、可支配的Banach代数的基本性质、Hilbert空间上的几何学、紧算子和Fredhlom算子的性质、Hardy空间理论及Toephitz算子性质等。 -
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Symbols and Notation
1 Banach Spaces
1 The Banach Space of Continuous Functions
2 Abstract Banach Spaces
3 The Conjugate Space of Continuous Linear Functionals
4 Examples of Banach spaces: co, l, and l
5 Weak Topologies on Banach Spaces
6 The Alaoglu Theorem
7 The Hahn-Banach Theorem
8 The Conjugate Space of C([0, 1])
9 The Open Mapping Theorem
10 The Lebesgue Spaces: Ll and L
11 The Hardy Spaces: Hl and H
2 Banach Algebras
1 The Banach Algebra of Continuous Functions
2 Abstract Banach Algebras
3 Abstract Index in a banach Algebra
4 The Space of Multiplicative Linear Functions
5 The Gelfand Transform
6 The Gelfand-Mazur Theorem
7 The Gelfand Theorem for Commutative Banach Algebras
8 The Spectral Radius Formula
9 The Stone-Weierstrass Theorem
10 The Generalized Stone-Weierstrass Theorem
11 The Disk Algebra
12 The Algebra of Functions with Absolutey Convergent Fourier series
13 the Algebra of Bounded Measurable Functions
3 Geometry of Hilbert Space
l Inner Product Spaces
2 The Cauchy-Schwarz Inequality
3 The Pythagorean Theorem
4 Hilbert Spaces
5 Examples of Hilbert Spaces:Cn,l2,L2,and H2
6 The Riesz Representation Theorem
7 The Existenee of Orthonormal Bases
8 The Dimension Of Hilbert Spaces
4 Operators on Hilbert Space and C*-Algebras
1 The Adjoint Operator
2 Normal and Self-adjoint Operators
3 Proiections and Subspaces
4 Multiplication Operators and Maximal Abelian Algebras
5 rnle Bilateral Shift Operator
6 C*-Algebras
7 The Gelfand-Naimark Theorem
8 The Spectral Theorem
9 The Funcfional Calculus
10 The Square Root of Positive Operators
11 The Unilateral Shift Operator
12 The Po1ar Decomposition
13 Weak and Strong Operator Topologies
14 W*-Algebras
15 Isomorphisms of L-Spaces
16 Normal Operators with Cycfic Vectors
17 Maximal Abelian W*-Algebras
18 *-Homomorphisms of C*-Algebras
19 The Extended Functional Calculus
20 The Fuglede Theorem
5 Compact Operators,Fredholm Operators,and Index Theory
l The Ideals of Finite Rank and Compact Operators
2 Approximation of Compact Operators
3 Examples of Compact Operators: Integral Operators
4 The Calkin Algebra and Frcdholm Operators
5 Atkinson's Theorem
6 The Index of Frcdholm Operators
7 The Fredholm Altemative
8 Volterra Integral Operators
9 Connectedness of the Unitary Group in a W*-Algebras
10 Characterization of Index
1l Quotient C*-Algebras
12 Representations of the C*-Algebra of Compact Operators
6 The Hardy Spaces
l The Hardy Spaces: Hl, H2, and H
2 Reducing Subspaces of Unitary Operators
3 Beurling's Theorem
4 The F. and M.Riesz Theorem
5 The Maximal Ideal Space of H
6 The Inner-Outer Factorization of Functions in H2
7 The Modulus of Outer Functions
8 The Conjugates of H1 and L/H0
9 The Closedness of H+C
10 Approximation by Quotients of Inner Functions
11 The Gleason-Whitney Theorem
12 Subalgebras between H and L
13 Abstract Harmonic Extensions
14 The Maximal Ideal Space of H+C
15 The Invertibility of Functions in H+C
7 Toeplitz Operators
1 Toeplitz Operators
2 The Spectral Inclusion Theorem
3 The Symbol Map
4 The Spectrum of Self-adjoint Toeplitz Operators
5 The Spectrum of Analytic Toeplitz Operators
6 The C*-Algebra Generated by the Unilateral Shift
7 The Inverfibility of Toeplitz Operators witll Continuous Symbol
8 The Invertibility of Unimodular Toeplitz Operators and Prediction Theory
9 The Spectrum of Toeplitz Operators with Symbol in H+C
10 The Connectedness of the Essenfial Spectrum
11 Localization to the Centerofa C*-Algebra
12 Locality of Fredholmness for Toeplitz Operators
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