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    • 看图说话(双语幼小衔接4-7岁上下)
      • 作者:编者:上海元远教育|责编:卢元姗|绘画:何靖
      • 出版社:同济大学
      • ISBN:9787560891385
      • 出版日期:2021/07/01
      • 页数:158
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

      一颗种子A Seed
      让座Come and Sit
      有趣的公园The Interesting Park
      过生日Celebrate the Birthdag
      双胞胎The Twins
      彩虹A Rainbow
      春节The Spring Festival
      宠物狗A Pet Dog
      幼儿园The Kindergarten
      做客Be a Guest
      去滑雪Go Skiing
      我的爸爸My Father
      新裙子A New Skirt
      去野餐Have a Picnic
      好朋友My Good Friend
      泡脚水Water for Foot Bath
      尴尬的李叔叔Embarrassed Uncle Li
      有礼貌的猴子The Polite Monkeg
      奇妙的海洋馆The Amazing Aquarium
      鸡妈妈The Hen
      动物园The Zoo
      雷雨天A Thunderstorm
      井底的小蜗牛The Little Snail in a Well
      掩耳盗铃Plug One'S Ears While Stealing a Bell
      新同学A New Classmate
      李阿姨的一天One Dag of Aunt Li
      叶子船The Leaf Boat
      植树节Tree—Planting Dag
      馋嘴的小猫The Greedg Kitten
      助人为乐Take Pleasure in Helping Others
      学会分享Learn to Share
      堆雪人Make a Snowman
      雨过天睛After Rain Comes Sunshine
      放飞小鸟Release the Little Bird
      小猫种番茄The Kitten Grows Tomatoes
      猴子捞月Monkegs Fish out the Moon
      乌鸦喝水The Crow Drinks Water
      小羊过桥Two Lambs Cross the Bridge
      大灰狼和小白兔The Big Greg Wolf and the Little White Rabbit
      小狗肚子疼The Little Dog Has a Stomachache
      小马虎The Careless Bog
      踢足球Rag Football
      乌龟和兔子The Tortoise and the Rabbit
      浇花Water the Flowers
      打雪仗Have a Snowball Fight

      小狗的肚子The Little Dog's Belly
      擦黑板Clean the Blackboard
      运动会The Sports Meet
      春游A Spring Outing
      采蘑菇Gather Mushrooms
      去理发Have a Hair Cut
      枣树A Jujube Tree
      才艺表演A Talent Show
      粗心的小熊The Careless Little Bear
      去钓鱼Go Fishing
      做水果沙拉Make a Fruit Salad
      生日礼物The Birthday Present
      中秋节The Mid-Autumn Festival
      学骑自行车Learn to Ride a Bicgcle
      坐飞机Take a Plane
      小兔子过河The Little Rabbit Gets Across the River
      动物幼儿园The Animal Kindergarten
      鸭宝宝The Duckling
      挑食的小猫The Pickg Kitten
      机器人服务员The Robot Waiter
      流浪狗The Strag Dog
      毛毛虫变蝴蝶A Caterpillar Turns into a Butterflg
      大扫除A Thorough Clean
      戴眼镜Wear Glosses
      蚂蚁大力士The Strong Ants
      分蛋糕Divide the Coke
      种花Plant a Flower
      剪窗花Make Paper—Cuts for Window Decoration
      交换礼物Exchange Gifts
      贪睡的小猪The Sleepg Little Pig
      啄木鸟医生The Doctor Woodpecker
      小蜗牛The Little Snail
      蒲公英种子The Dondelion Seed
      做早餐Make Breakfast
      小蝌蚪找妈妈The Tadpoles Look for Their Mother
      学钢琴Learn to Plag the Piano
      不见踪影的小老鼠The Disappeared Little Mouse
      小画家The Little Painter
      聪明的小猴子The Clever Little Monkeg
      懊恼的小猪The Upset Little Pig
      偷蜂蜜的小熊The Little Bear Who Steals Honeg
      搁浅的海豚The Stronded Dolphin
      拍皮球Bounce a Boll
      消失的雪人The Disappeared Snowman



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