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    • 名利场(世界文学名著英语原著版)/中译经典文库
      • 作者:(英)萨克雷|责编:刘香玲
      • 出版社:中国对外翻译
      • ISBN:9787500126812
      • 出版日期:2010/07/01
      • 页数:698
    • 售价:16.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Chiswick Mall
    Chapter 2  In Which Miss Sharp and Miss Sedley Prepare to Open the Campaign
    Chapter 3  Rebecca Is in Presence of the Enemy
    Chapter 4  The Green Silk Purse
    Chapter 5  Dobbin of Ours
    Chapter 6  Vauxhall
    Chapter 7  Crawley of Queen's Crawley
    Chapter 8  Private and Confidential
    Chapter 9  Family Portraits
    Chapter 10  Miss Sharp Begins to Make Friends
    Chapter 11  Arcadian Simplicity
    ChaPter 12  Quite a Sentimental Chapter
    Chapter 13  Sentimental and Otherwise
    Chapter 14  Miss Crawley at Home
    Chapter 15  In Which Rebecca's Husband Appears for a Short Time
    Chapter 16  The Letter on the Pincushion
    Chapter 17  How Captain Dobbin Bought a Piano
    Chapter 18  Who Played on the Piano Captain Dobbin Bought?
    Chapter 19  Miss Crawley at Nurse
    Chapter 20  In Which Captain Dobbin Acts as the Messenger of Hymen
    Chapter 21  A Quarrel about an Heiress
    Chapter 22  A Marriage and Part of a Honeymoon
    Chapter 23  Captain Dobbin Proceeds on His Canvass
    Chapter 24  In Which Mr. Osborne Takes Downthe Family Bible
    Chapter 25  In Which All the Principal Personages Think Fit to Leave Brighton
    Chapter 26  Between London and Chatham
    Chapter 27  In Which Amelia Joins Her Regiment
    Chapter 28  In Which Amelia Invades the Low Countries
    Chapter 29  Brussels
    Chapter 30  "The Girl I Left behind Me"
    Chapter 31  In Which Jos Sedley Takes Care of His Sister
    Chapter 32  In Which Jos Takes Flight, and the War Is Brought to a Close
    Chapter 33  In Which Miss Crawley's Relations Are Very Anxious about Her
    Chapter 34 James Crawley's Pipe Is Put Out
    Chapter 35  Widow and Mother
    Chapter 36  How to Live Well on Nothing a Year
    Chapter 37  The Subject Continued
    Chapter 38  A Family in a Very Small Way
    Chapter 39  A Cynical Chapter
    Chapter 40  In Which Becky Is Recognized by the Family
    Chapter 41  In Which Becky Revisits the Halls of Her Ancestors
    Chapter 42  Which Treats of the Osborne Family
    Chapier 43  In Which the Reader Has to Double the Cape
    Chapter 44  A Roundabout Chapter between London and Hampshire
    Chapter 45  Between Hampshire and London
    Chapter 46  Struggles and Trials
    Chapter 47  Gaunt House
    Chapter 48  In Which the Reader Is Introduced to the Very Best of Company
    Chapter 49  In Which We Enjoy Three Courses and a Dessert
    Chapter 50  Contains a Vulgar Incident

    Chapter 51  In Which a Charade Is Acted Which May or May Not Puzzle the Reader
    Chapter 52  In Which Lord Steyne Shows Himself in a Most Amiable Light
    Chapter 53  A Rescue and a Catastrophe
    Chapter 54  Sunday after the Battle
    Chapier 55  In Which the Same Subject Is Pursued
    Chapter 56  Georgy is Made a Gentleman
    Chapter 57  Eothen
    Chapter 58  Our Friend the Major
    Chapter 59  The Old Piano
    Chapter 60  Returns to the Genteel World
    Chapter 61  In Which Two Lights Are Put Out
    Chapter 62  Am Rhein
    Chapter 63  In Which We Meet an Old Acquaintance
    Chapter 64  AVagabond Chapter
    Chapter 65  Full of Business and Pleasure
    Chapter 66  Amantium Ira
    Chapter 67  Which Contains Births, Marriages,and Deaths



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