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    • 语言测试与效度验证--基于证据的研究方法(升级版)(英文版)/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
      • 作者:(英)西里尔·J.韦尔|责编:赵观睿
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521329742
      • 出版日期:2021/09/01
      • 页数:301
    • 售价:22
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    General Editors' Preface
    Part I  Testing as Validity
      1  Language Testing Past and Present
        1.1  The Cambridge Proficiency Examination 1913-1945: ‘The Garden of Eden', ‘the pre-scientific era'
        1.2  Developments in the 1960s: the move towards a language-based examination
        1.3  The 1975 and 1984 revisions: 'The Promised Land'?
      2  The Nature of Test Validity
      3  Before the Test Event: A Priori Validity Evidence
        3.1  Theory-based validity
        3.2  Context validity
      4  After the Test Event: A Posteriori Validity Evidence
        4.1  Scoring validity
        4.2  Criterion-related validity
        4.3  Consequential validity
    Part 2  New Frameworks for Developing and Validating Tests of Reading, Listening, Speaking and Writing
      5  Test Takers
        5.1  Physical/physiological characteristics: making accommodations
        5.2  Psychological characteristics: affective schemata
        5.3  Experiential characteristics: familiarity
      6  Context Validity in Action
        6.1  Task setting
        6.2  Task demands
        6.3  Setting and test administration
      7  Theory-based Validity in Action
        7.1  Reading
        7.2  Listening
        7.3  Speaking
        7.4  Writing
      8  Response Formats
        8.1  Techniques for testing reading comprehension
        8.2  Techniques for testing listening comprehension
        8.3  Techniques for testing speaking
        8.4  Techniques for testing written production
      9  Scoring Validity in Action
        9.1  Scoring written production
        9.2  Scoring speaking tests
        9.3  Internal reliability of receptive tests
        9.4  Scores, grading and post-exam validation procedures
      10  External Validities in Action
        10.1 Criterion-related validity
        10.2 Consequential validity
    Part 3  Generating Validity Evidence
      11  Research Methodologies for Exploring the Validity of a Test
        11.1  An introductory note on research
        11.2  A priori validation: investigating the specification of the construct and the operationalization of the test

        11.3  Establishing context validity
        11.4  Establishing theory-based validity evidence
        11.5  Establishing scoring validity evidence
        11.6  Establishing evidence on a posteriori validities
    Part 4  Further Resources in Language Testing
      12 Key  Sources
        12.1  Books
        12.2  Journals
        12.3  Professional associations
        12.4  Principal testing conferences
        12.5  Email lists and bulletin boards
        12.6  Internet sites
        12.7  Databases
        12.8  Statistical packages



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