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    • 英语语音教程(新经典高等学校英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:卜友红|责编:曹妮
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521327922
      • 出版日期:2021/09/01
      • 页数:271
    • 售价:22.76
  • 内容大纲

        英汉对比。案例分析:通过对比英汉语音体系的差异,分析学生发音的错误案例,让学生理解发展型错误及母语干扰型错误产生的原因,帮助学生克服方言口音。  课前诊断,课后测试:每个单元以诊断测试开始,使学习者带着问题进行有针对性的学习。每个单元结束配有测试,帮助学生复习巩固,内化所学知识。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Description of English Speech SOunds
      1.Basic concepts ofphonetics
        1.1  Branches ofphonetics
        1.2  Main features ofphonetics
      2.Phonetic transcriptions
      3.Phonemes and allophones
      4.Physiology of speech sounds
    Chapter 2 English Vowels
      1.Classification ofEnglish phonemes
      2.Description ofvowels
      3.Cardinal Vowels
      4.Classification of English vowels
        4.1  Description ofmonophthongs
        4.2  Description of diphthongs
        4.3  Description of triphthongs
    Chapter 3 English Consonants
      1.Description ofconsonant phonemes
        1.1  Place ofarticulation
        1.2  Manner of articulation
        1.3  Voicing
      2.Description of English consonants
        2.1  Plosives
        2.2  Nasals
        2.3  Fricatives
        2.4  Affricates/ts/and
        2.5  Approximants
    Chapter 4 English Sounds and Spellings
      1.The notion ofvowel and consonant 1etters
      2.English spelling system
      3.Sound-spelling regularities
        3.1  Vowel letters
        3.2  Consonant letters
    Chapter 5 Syllables and Consonant Clusters
        1.1  Syllable structures
        1.2  Syllabic consonants
        1.3  Syllable types
      2.Consonant clusters
        2.1  Cluster constraints
        2.2  Characteristics of consonant clusters
    Chapter 6 Word Stress and Vowel Reduction
        1.1  Classification ofstress
        1.2  Levels ofword stress
        1.3  Orthographic representation of stress
        1.4  Characteristics of stressed and unstressed syllables
      2.Vowel reduction
        2.1  Unstressed vowels in open syllables
        2.2  Unstressed vowels in closed syllables

        2.3  Unreduced vowel
      3.Pitch patterns of a word
        3.1  Two—syllable words
        3.2  Three—syllable words
        3.3  Four—syllable words
        3.4  Five—syllable words
        3.5  More-than—si)(一syllable words
      4.Placement of word stress
        4.1  Two—syllable words
        4.2  Three—syllable words
        4.3  More—than—three—syllable words
        4.4  Prefixes
        4.5  Suffixes
      5.Stress of compounds
        5.1  Noun compounds
        5.2  verb compounds
        5.3  Adjective compounds
        5.4  -ing+noun compounds
        5.5  Adverb十一ing compounds
    Chapter 7 Sentence Stress and Weak Forms
      1.Sentence stress
        1.1  Basic sentence stress
        1.2  Levels of sentence stress
      2.Wleak forms
    Chapter 8 Aspects of Connected Speech
        1.1  Stress—timed rhythm VS.syllable—timed rhythn
        1.2  Rhythm and music
        1.3  Rhythm and meter in English poetry
        1.4  Rhythm group
        1.5  Eurhythmic structure
        2.1  Consonant+vowel linking
        2.2  Vowel+vowel linking
        2.3  Linking(r)
        2.4  Intrusive(r)
        3.1  Direction of agsimilation
        3.2  Assimilation in voicing
        3.3  Assimilation in place of articulation
        3.4  Assimilation in manner of articulation
        3.5  Coalescent assimilation
        4.1  Elision ofvowels
        4.2  Elision of consonants
    Chapter 9 English Intonation
        1.1  Intonation phrases
        1.2  The size of intonation phrases
        1.3  The intonation phrase boundary

        2.1  Stress and accent
        2.2  Transcription conventions
        2.3  The nuclear placement
        2.4  Broad and narrow focus
        3.1  Types of nuclear tones
        3.2  The meanings and applications of nuclear tones
    Chapter 10 Pitch Contour
      1.The components of the intonation phrase
      2.Pitch range
      3.Marking system for intonation contour
      4.Pitch contour of prenuclear segment
        4.1  The prehead
        4.2  The head
      5.Pitch contour of nuclear segment
        5.1  Pitch contour of faUs
        5.2  Pitch contour of risesAnswers to Diagnostic Test



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