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    • 中国新疆之历史印记(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:中央广播电视总台华语环球节目中心//中共新疆维吾尔自治区委员会宣传部|责编:陈丝纶|译者:徐汀汀//闫传海//王玮//姜晓宁
      • 出版社:外文
      • ISBN:9787119128337
      • 出版日期:2021/10/01
      • 页数:263
    • 售价:47.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Xinjiang, a Chinese territory
      Niya Ruins and the Middle Kingdom Grand Unification
      Zhang Qian's Mission to theWestern Regions
      Unification of the Western Regions
      Chief of the Qiang,Obedient to the Han
      The Ancient Cities of Gaochangand Jiaohe
      Anxi Frontier Command
      Local Regimes in the Western Regions
      The Provincial System in theWestern Regions
      Prince of Loyalty and Obedience
      Quelling the Junggar Rebellion
      Old Territory Newly Returned
      Sun Yat-sen: China Is a Unified Country
      Xinjiang After
      The 36 States of the Western Regions
      Ban Chao: a Beloved Hero
      The Tribute System
      Road to the Heavenly Khan
      Prince Gechuo of the Uigur Khaganate
      King Li Shengtian of Yutian
      The Kara-Khanid Khanate
      Uigur Stele
      The Torgut Tribe
      Ethnic Peoples Defending Their Homes
      Giving Their All to the Country
    Chapter 2  One Country,One Home
    Chapter 3  Ethnic Integration
    Chapter 4  Joint Efforts to develop Xinjiang
    Chapter 5  Coexistence of Diverse Religions
    Chapter 6  Mutual Learning Between Religions
    Chapter 7  Shared History and Culture Across China
    Chapter 8  Epitome of China's Cultural Diversity


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