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    • 美国文学史及选读(重排版1高等学校英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:吴伟仁|责编:万健玲
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787513531689
      • 出版日期:2013/07/01
      • 页数:233
    • 售价:15.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Part I The Literature of Colonial America
      Chapter 1 John Smith
      Chapter 2 William Bradford and John Winthrop
      Chapter 3 John Cotton and Roger Williams
      Chapter 4 Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor
    Part II The Literature of Reason and Revolution
      Chapter 5 Benjamin Franklin
        The Autobiography
      Chapter 6 Thomas Paine
        The American Crisis
      Chapter 7 Thomas Jefferson
        The Declaration of Independence
      Chapter 8 Philip Freneau
        The Wild Honey Suckle
        The Indian Burying Ground
        To a Caty-Did
    Part III The Literature of Romanticism
      Chapter 9 Washington Irving
        The Author's Account of Himself
        The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
      Chapter 10 James Fenimore Cooper
        The Last of the Mohicans
      Chapter 11 William Cullen Bryant
        To a Waterfowl
      Chapter 12 Edgar Allan Poe
        To Helen
        The Raven
        Annabel Lee
        The Fall of the House of Usher
      Chapter 13 Ralph Waldo Emerson
      Chapter 14 Henry David Thoreau
      Chapter 15 Nathaniel Hawthorne
        The Scarlet Letter
      Chapter 16 Herman Melville
      Chapter 17 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
        A Psalm of Life
        The Slave's Dream
        My Lost Youth
        The Song of Hiawatha



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