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    • 小学英语课堂中教师纠正反馈和学生接纳的研究(英文版)
      • 作者:赵蓓蓓|责编:臧燕阳
      • 出版社:上海交大
      • ISBN:9787313255921
      • 出版日期:2021/11/01
      • 页数:145
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

        赵蓓蓓博士,毕业于英国布理斯托大学(Britisol University )应用语言学(Applied Linguistics)专业,现任浙江树人大学家扬/基础/国际教育学院副院长。担任大学英语、学术英语阅读、学术英语阅读与写作、学术英语听力、语言学、商务英语等大学英语课程的教学,其主要研究方向为英语教学、语言测试与评估。
  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Background of the study
      1.2  Rationale for the study
      1.3  Objectives and design of the study
      1.4  Organisation of the book
      1.5  Summary
    Chapter 2  Literature Review
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Defining the terms
        2.2.1  Defining “focusonform”
        2.2.2  Defining “corrective feedback”
        2.2.3  Defining “uptake”
      2.3  The importance of studies on corrective feedback and uptake
      2.4  A review of literature on corrective feedback and uptake
        2.4.1  Corrective feedback
        2.4.2  Uptake
        2.4.3  A summary of previous studies
      2.5  Gaps in knowledge
      2.6  Summary
    Chapter 3  Research Methodology
      3.1  Introduction: why methodology chapter
      3.2  Ontological/epistemological/philosophical position
      3.3  Pilot study
      3.4  The research design and conduct
        3.4.1  Case study strategy
        3.4.2  Research questions
        3.4.3  Sampling and gaining access
        3.4.4  Participants
        3.4.5  Data collection methods
        3.4.6  Database of the study
      3.5  Methods of data analysis
        3.5.1  Transcription
        3.5.2  Using NVivo
        3.5.3  The process of coding and analyzing
      3.6  Ethical issues arising in the conduct of the research
      3.7  The quality of the data and data analyses
      3.8  Summary
    Chapter 4  A Comparison of the Two Classes  Focusonform Instructions
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Results of classroom data
      4.3  Learners  errors
        4.3.1  The total number and distribution of errors
        4.3.2  The interpretation of the findings
      4.4  Teachers  corrective feedback
        4.4.1  The total number of corrective feedback
        4.4.2  The general tendency in corrective feedback
        4.4.3  Preferred corrective feedback types
        4.4.4  The opportunity to use feedback
      4.5  Learners  uptake
      4.6  A summary of findings relating to RQ1, RQ2, and RQ

      4.7  Summary
    Chapter 5  Focusonform Instructions
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  The relationship between errors, feedback and uptake
        5.2.1  Learner errors and corrective feedback
        5.2.2  Learner errors and learner uptake
        5.2.3  Corrective feedback and learner uptake
        5.2.4  A summary of the findings
      5.3  Qualitative analysis of classroom observation data
        5.3.1  Recasts as a feedback strategy
        5.3.2  The use of L1 as a feedback strategy
        5.3.3  Elicitation as a feedback strategy
        5.3.4  Repetition requests as a feedback strategy
        5.3.5  Invitation to other learners as a feedback strategy
        5.3.6  Clarification requests as a feedback strategy
        5.3.7  Explicit correction as a feedback strategy
        5.3.8  Repetition as a feedback strategy
      5.4  A summary of findings relating to RQ
      5.5  Summary
    Chapter 6  Discussion
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  A summary of the findings
        6.2.1  Learners  errors
        6.2.2  Teachers  corrective feedback
        6.2.3  Learners  uptake
        6.2.4  Learner errors, corrective feedback, and uptake
      6.3  Discussing findings in relation to existing knowledge
        6.3.1  The rate of correction
        6.3.2  Teachers  avoidance of direct corrective feedback
        6.3.3  Teachers  provision of corrective feedback
        6.3.4  Recasts as a corrective feedback
        6.3.5  The rate of learner uptake
        6.3.6  Corrective feedback, learner uptake, and L2 learning
      6.4  Summary
    Chapter 7  Implications and Conclusion
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  Implications of the study
        7.2.1  Pedagogical significance
        7.2.2  Professional development
      7.3  Limitations of the study
      7.4  Future research
      7.5  Concluding remarks


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