在外语教学过程中,需求分析是外语课程设计的基础,也是老师组织教学、使用教材、决定教学方法和评估教学质量的基础。本书介绍了需求分析的理论基础和实践方法,涉及多个国家、多个行业的外语教学,对我国的第二语言教学具有极强的借鉴意义。开展有针对性的科学的需求分析,有利于提高外语教学或培训的效率。 -
Overview: A rationale for needs analysis and needs analysis
Michael H. Long
Ⅰ Methodological issues
Chapter I Methodological issues in learner needs analysis
Michael H. Long
Ⅱ The public sector
Chapter 2 Language needs analysis at the societal level
Richard D. Brecht & William. P. Rivers
Chapter 3 Foreign language needs assessment in the
US military
John A. Lett
Ⅲ The occupational sector
Chapter 4 Sources, methods and triangulation in needs
analysis: A critical perspective in a case study
of Waikiki hotel maids
Rebeca Jasso-Aguilar
Chapter 5 Foreign language need of business firms
Sonja Vandermeeren
Chapter 6 Evaluating the use of multiple sources and methods
in needs analysis: A case study of journalists in the
Autonomous Community of Catalonia (Spain)
Roger Gilabert
Chapter 7 "Feet speak louder than the tongue": A preliminary
analysis of language provisions for foreign
professional footballers in the Netherlands
Eric Kellerman, Hella Koonen, &
Monique van der Haagen
Ⅳ The academic sector
Chapter 8 A task-based needs analysis of a tertiary Korean
as a foreign language program
Craig Chaudron, Catherine J. Doughty,
Youngkyu Kim, Dong-kwan Kong, Jinhwa Lee,
Young-geun Lee, Michael H. Long, Rachel Rivers,
Ken Urano
Ⅴ Analyzing target discourse
Chapter 9 Collecting target discourse: The case of the US
naturalization interview
Michelle Winn
Chapter 10 A double shot 2% mocha latte, please, with whip:
Service encounters in two coffee shops and at a
coffee cart
Nicola J. Downey Bartlett
Chapter 11 When small talk is a big deal: Sociolinguistic
challenges in the workplace
Janet Holmes
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- 曾国藩(又笨又慢平天下)
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