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    • 英语语音学与音系学实用教程(第4版升级版)(英文版)/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
      • 作者:(英)彼得·罗奇|责编:周渝毅
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521334166
      • 出版日期:2022/04/01
      • 页数:278
    • 售价:20.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    List of symbols
    Chart of the International Phonetic Alphabet
    1  Introduction
      1.1  Howthe course is organised
      1.2  The English Phonetics and Phonology website
      1.3  Phonemes and other aspects of pronunciation
      1.4  Accents and dialects
    2  The production of speech sounds
      2.1  Articulators abovethe larynx
      2.2  Vowel and consonant
      2.3  English short vowels
    3  Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs
      3.1  English long vowels
      3.2  Diphthongs
      3.3  Triphthongs
    4  Voicing and consonants
      4.1  The larynx
      4.2  Respiration and voicing
      4.3  Plosives
      4.4  English plosives
      4.5  Fortisand lenis
    5  Phonemes and symbols
      5.1  The phoneme
      5.2  Symbols and transcription
      5.3  Phonology
    6  Fricatives and affricates
      6.1  Production of fricatives and affricates
      6.2  The fricatives of English
      6.3  The affricates of English
      6.4  Fortis consonants
    7  Nasals and other consonants
      7.1  Nasals
      7.2  The consonantl
      7.3  The consonantr
      7.4  The consonantsj and w
    8  The syllable
      8.1  The nature of the syllable
      8.2  The structure of the English syllable
      8.3  Syllable division
    9  Strongand weak syllables
      9.1  Strong and weak
      9.2  The ? vowel ("schwa")
      9.3  Close front and close back vowels
      9.4  Syllabic consonants
    10  Stress in simple words
      10.1  The nature of stress
      10.2  Levels of stress
      10.3  Placement of stress within the word
    11  Complex word stress

      11.1  Complex words
      11.2  Suffixes
      11.3  Prefixes
      11.4  Compound words
      11.5  Variable stress
      11.6  Word-class pairs
    12  Weak forms
    13  Problems in phonemic analysis
      13.1  Affricates
      13.2  The English vowel system
      13.3  Syllabic consonants
      13.4  Clusters ofswith plosives
      13.5  Schwa (?)
      13.6  Distinctive features
      13.7  Conclusion
    14  Aspects of connected speech
      14.1  Rhythm
      14.2  Assimilation
      14.3  Elision
      14.4  Linking
    15  Intonation
      15.1  Form and function in intonation
      15.2  Tone and tone languages
      15.3  Complex tones and pitch height
      15.4  Some functions of English tones
      15.5  Tones on other words
    16  Intonation
      16.1  The tone-unit
      16.2  The structure ofthetone-unit
      16.3  Pitch possibilities in the simple tone-unit
    17  Intonation
      17.1  Fall-rise and rise-fall tones followed by a tail
      17.2  High and low heads
      17.3  Problems in analysing the form of intonation
      17.4  Autosegmentaltreatment of intonation
    18  Functions of intonation 1
      18.1  The attitudinal function of intonation
      18.2  Expressing attitudes
    19  Functions of intonation 2
      19.1  The accentual function of intonation
      19.2  The grammatical function of intonation
      19.3  The discourse function of intonation
      19.4  Conclusions
    20  Varieties of English pronunciation
      20.1  The studyofvariety
      20.2  Geographicalvariation
      2o.3  Other sources of variation
    Recorded exercises
      Audio Unit 1: Introduction
      Audio Unit 2: English short vowels

      Audio Unit 3: Long vowels, diphthongs and triphthongs
      Audio Unit4: Plosives
      Audio Unit 5: Revision
      Audio Unit 6: Fricatives and affricates
      Audio Unit 7: Further consonants
      Audio Unit 8: Consonant clusters
      Audio Unit 9: Weak syllables
      Audio Unit lO: Word stress
      Audio Unit 11: Complex word stress
      Audio Unit 12: Weak forms
      Audio Unit 13: Revision
      Audio Unit 14: Elisions and rhythm
      Audio Unit 15: Tones
      Audio Unit 16: The tone-unit
      Audio Unit 17: intonation
      Audio Unit 18: Intonation: extracts from conversation
      Audio Unit 19: Further practice on connected speech
      Audio Unit 2o: Transcription of connected speech
    Answers to written exercises
    Answers to recorded exercises
    Recommendations for general reading



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