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    • 功能语法入门(第3版升级版)(英文版)/当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库
      • 作者:(英)杰夫·汤普森|责编:都楠楠
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521334173
      • 出版日期:2022/04/01
      • 页数:313
    • 售价:22.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1  The purposes of linguistic analysis
      1.1  Starting points
        1.1.1  Going in through form
        1.1.2  Going in through meaning
      1.2  Language, context and function: a preliminary exploration Exercise
    2  Identifying clauses and clause constituents
      2.1  Breaking up the sentence - and labelling the parts
        2.1.1  Recognizing constituents
        2.1.2  Structural and functional labels
      2.2  Ranks
    3  An overview of Functional Grammar
      3.1  Three kinds of meaning
        3.1.1  The three metafunctions
        3.1.2  Three kinds of function in the clause
        3.1.3  Three kinds of structure in the clause
        3.1.4  Showing the options: systems networks
        3.1.5  A fourth metafunction
      3.2  Register and genre
        3.2.1  Register (and the corpus)
        3.2.2  Genre
    4  Interacting: the interpersonal metafunction
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Roles of addressers and audience
      4.3  Mood
        4.3.1  The structure of the Mood
        4.3.2  Identifying Subject and Finite
        4.3.3  Meanings of Subject and Finite
        4.3.4  Mood in non-declarative clauses
        4.3.5  Mood in text
        4.3.6  The Residue
        4.3.7  Modal Adjuncts
      4.4  Modality
        4.4.1  Modality and polarity
        4.4.2  Types ofmodality
        4.4.3  Modal commitment
        4.4.4  Modal responsibility
        4.4.5  Modality in text
      4.5  Appraisal
      4.6  Interaction and negotiation
      4.7  Interaction through text
    5  Representing the world: the experiential metafunction
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Transitivity: processes and participants
        5.2.1  Material processes
        5.2.2  Mental processes

        5.2.3  Relational processes
        5.2.4  Verbal processes
        5.2.5  Other types of processes
        5.2.6  Other participant roles
        5.2.7  Circumstances
        5.2.8  Transitivity in text
      5.3  More complex aspects of transitivity
        5.3.1  More on material processes
        5.3.2  More on mental processes
        5.3.3  More on relational processes
        5.3.4  Processes in verbal group complexes
        5.3.5  Participants in causation
      5.4  Transitivity patterns in text
        5.4.1  Analysing transitivity in clauses and in text
        5.4.2  Comparing transitivity choices in different registers
      5.5  Ergativity
    6  Organizing the message: the textual metafunction-Theme
      6.1  Introduction: making messages fit together
      6.2  Theme
      6.3  Identifying Theme
        6.3.1  Theme in declarative clauses
        6.3.2  Theme in non-declarative clauses
      6.4  Special thematic structures
        6.4.1  Thematic equatives
        6.4.2  Predicated Theme
        6.4.3  Thematized comment
        6.4.4  Preposed Theme
        6.4.5  Passive clauses and Theme
      6.5  Theme in clause complexes
      6.6  Multiple Theme
        6.6.1  Conjunctions in Theme
        6.6.2  Conjunctive and modal Adjuncts in Theme
        6.6.3  Textual, interpersonal and experiential elements in Theme
        6.6.4  Interrogatives as multiple Themes
      6.7  Some issues in Theme analysis
        6.7.1  Existential 'there' in Theme
        6.7.2  Interpolations in Theme
        6.7.3  Preposed attributives
        6.7.4  Theme in reported clauses
        6.7.5  Theme and interpersonal grammatical metaphor
      6.8  Theme in text
        6.8.1  An illustration of Theme in text
        6.8.2  Other ways of exploring thematic choices
        6.8.3  Theme in different registers
      6.9  A final note on identifying Theme
    7  Clauses in combination
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  Units of analysis

      7.3  Types of relations between clauses
        7.3.1  Logical dependency relations
        7.3.2  Logico-semantic relations
      7.4  Expansion
        7.4.1  Elaborating
        7.4.2  Extending
        7.4.3  Enhancing
        7.4.4  Internal and external expansion
      7.5  Projection
        7.5.1  Quotes and reports
        7.5.2  Facts
        7.5.3  Projection in text
      7.6  Clause complexing
        7.6.1  An overview
        7.6.2  Clause complexing and register
    8  Organizing the message: the textual metafunction-cohesion
      8.1  Cohesion and coherence
      8.2  Reference and ellipsis
        8.2.1  Reference
        8.2.2  Ellipsis
      8.3  Conjunction
      8.4  Cohesion and register
    9  Grammatical metaphor
      9.1  Introduction
      9.2  Grammatical metaphor
      9.3  Experiential and logical metaphors
      9.4  Interpersonal metaphors
      9.5  Textual metaphor
      9.6  A cautionary note
    10 Implications and applications of Functional Grammar
      10.1  Three-dimensional analysis of texts
      10.2  A summary review of Functional Grammar
      10.3  Using Functional Grammar
      10.4  Closing
    Answers to exercises
    Further reading



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