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    • 教育英语阅读教程(全国教育学系列规划教材)
      • 作者:编者:杨洪艳//祝平|责编:汤定军
      • 出版社:苏州大学
      • ISBN:9787567239364
      • 出版日期:2022/05/01
      • 页数:186
    • 售价:19.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Critical Thinking
      ·Text l Critical Thinking:Not All That Critical
      ·Text 2  On Critical Thinking
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 2 Liberal Arts
      ·Text l Who Killed the Liberal Arts
      ·Text 2 The Danger of Liberal Arts Education
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 3  Ancient Educational Wisdom
      ·Text l Republic
      ·Text 2 The Analects
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 4 Teaching and Learning Principles
      ·Text l The Principles of Facility and Thoroughness in Teaching and Learning
      ·Text 2 The Principles of Conciseness and Rapidity in Teaching
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 5  Respecting Children
      ·Text l  Some Thoughts Concerning Education
      ·Text 2  Emile.or on Education
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 6  Steps in Instruction or Thinking
      ·Text 1  Steps in Instruction
      ·Text 2 The Five Logical Steps
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 7  Why Should Science Be Taught in Schools
      ·Text l  What Knowledge Is of Most Worth
      ·Text 2  Science and Education
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 8  Life as Education
      ·Text 1 The Conception of Educational Development
      ·Text 2  Creative Education-Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 9 Punishments and Rewards
      ·Text l The Way to Discipline Kids
      ·Text 2  Corporal Punishments and Rewards
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project
    Unit 10 The Way to Promote Retention
      ·Text l Meaningful Learning
      ·Text 2  The Process of Education
      ·Learning Strategies
      ·Unit Project



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