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    • 医学伦理学(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:陶倩|责编:颜彦
      • 出版社:暨南大学
      • ISBN:9787566831972
      • 出版日期:2022/05/01
      • 页数:119
    • 售价:13.12
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Basics of Medical Ethics
      1.1  Definition of Ethics
      1.2  Definition of Medical Ethics
      1.3  Features of Medical Ethics
      1.4  Principles of Medical Ethics
      1.5  Ethical Dilemma
    Chapter 2  Privacy and Confidentiality
      2.1  Privacy in Heahhcare
      2.2  Confidentiality in Heahhcare
      2.3  Professional Codes
      2.4  Legislation
      2.5  Breaches of Confidentiality in Heahhcare
    Chapter 3  informed Consent
      3.1  Definition of Informed Consent
      3.2  Purposes of Informed Consent
      3.3  Fundamental Elements of Informed Consent
      3.4  Limitations of Informed Consent
      3.5  Exceptions to Requirement of Informed Consent
      3.6  Informed Consent for Medical Research
    Chapter 4  End-of-life Issues
      4.1  Advance Care Planning
      4.2  Medical Futility
      4.3  Withholding and Withdrawing Interventions
      4.4  Euthanasia and Physician-assisted Suicide
    Chapter 5  Ethical Considerations in Crisis Intervention
      5.1  Definition of Crisis Intervention
      5.2  An Ethical Decision-making Model for Individual Crisis Counseling
      5.3  Ethical Guidance in Public Health Crisis
      5.4  Research Ethics in Public Health Crisis
      5.5  Obligation to Protect Heahhcare Professionals
    Chapter 6  Ethical Issues in Doctor-patient Relationship
      6.1  Doctor-patient Relationship
      6.2  Doctor's Role
      6.3  Patient's Good
      6.4  Confidentiality and Privacy
    Chapter 7  Ethical Considerations in Mental Health
      7.1  Definition of Mental Disease
      7.2  Ethical Issues in Mental Healthcare Settings
      7.3  Ethically Appropriate Diagnosis
      7.4  Ethical Decision-making: Patient's Capacity and Competence
      7.5  Terminal Mental Disease: Ethics in Deliberative Suicide
    Chapter 8  Public Health Ethics
      8.1  Definition of Public Health Ethics
      8.2  Difference Between Public Health Ethics and Clinical Ethics
      8.3  Principles of Public Health Ethics
      8.4  An Approach to Ethical Analysis and Justification in Context
      8.5  Ethical Issues in Public Health
      8.6  Public Health Action in a Real World: Infectious Disease as a Case
    Practice Answer



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