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    • 专门用途英语导论/专门用途英语教学与研究前沿丛书
      • 作者:(英)劳伦斯·安东尼|责编:解碧琰
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521337235
      • 出版日期:2022/07/01
      • 页数:219
    • 售价:25.16
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Introduction:How to use this book
      1 Target readers
      2 Assumptions
      3 Overview of the contents
      4 Features of the chapters
      5 HOWto usethe book
      6  Final notes
    Section 1  Contextualizim,ESP
    Chapter 1  Situating ESP in English language teaching and learning
      1  Commentary
      2 A definition of ESP
      3  Branches of ESP
      4  Characteristic features of ESP
      5 Complementing and competing approaches to ESP
      6  Contentious issues in ESP:absolute and variable characteristics
      7  Further resources
    Chapter 2 Situating ESP in the world at large
      1 Commentary
      2 The growth of English as a world-wide lingua franca
      3 ESP in today’s globalized economy
      4 ESP in today’s globalized world of academia
      5 Positioning of ESP in occupational and academic settings
      6 Contentious issues in ESP:is the globalization of English a good thing?
      7 Further resources
    Chapter 3 Introducing the four pillars of ESP
      1 Commentary
      2 The fourpillars of ESP
      3 The roles of learners,instructors,and administrators in ESP
      4 Contentious issues in ESP:who should teach ESP?
      5  Further resources
    Section 2 Understanding the four pillars of ESP
    Chapter 4 Identifying needs in the design of ESP courses and programs
      1 Commentary
      2 Basic concepts in needs analysis
      3 Conducting a large-scale,detailed needs analysis
      4 Conducting a small-scale just in time needs analysis
      5  Evaluating fl needs analysis
      6 Contentious issues in ESP:isn’t a learner survey enough?
      7  Further resources
    Chapter 5 Deciding learning objectives for ESP courses and programs
      1 Commentary
      2 Foundations for deciding learning objectives
      3 Sequencing of learning objectives
      4 Contentious issues in ESP:addressing the subject knowledge problem
      5  Further resources

    Chapter 6 Deciding materials and methods in ESP
      1 Commentary
      2 Basic principles in ESP materials design
      3 Adopting,adapting,and creating materials in ESP    
      4 Utilizing technology in the adaption and creation of ESP materials    
      5 Basic principles in ESP methods selection    
      6 Data-Driven Learning(DDL)in ESP    
      7 Contentious issues in ESP:authenticity    
      8 Further resources    
    Chapter 7 Evaluating learners,instructors,courses,and programs in ESP    
      1 Commentary    
      2 Understanding evaluation in ESP    
      3  Understanding the three characteristics of eriective evaluation
      4  Evaluating learners in ESP
      5  Evaluating instructors in ESP
      6 Evaluating courses and programs in ESP
      7 Contentious issues in ESP:addressing the problem of deception
      8  Further resources
    Section 3 Applying ESP in real—world settings
    Chapter 8 Implementing ESP in ideal,opportunistic,and just-in-time settings
      1 Commentary
      2 Implementing ESP in an ideal setting
      3 Implementing ESP in an opportunistic setting
      4 Implementing ESP in ajust-intime setting
      5  Resoonsib.1ities of ESP administrators and instructors
      6 Contentious issues in ESP:deciding between narrowand wide-angled ESP
      7  Further resources
    Chapter 9 Dealing with challenges in ESP
      1  Commentary
      2 Addressing challenges related to needs analysis and the motivations of stakeholders in ESP
      3 Addressing challenges related to the specification of learning objectives in ESP
      4 Addressing challenges related to materials and methods in ESP
      5 Addressing challenges related to learner,instructor,and course/program evaluation
      6 Contentious issues in ESP:introducing change in ESP course and program design
      7 Further resources
    Chapter 10 Moving forward in ESP
      1 Commentary
      2 The future of globalization and ESP
      3 The future of ESP curriculum design
      4 The future of ESP classroom materials and methods
      5 The future ofESP research
      6 Contentious issues in ESP:critical ESP
      7 Further resourcesReferences



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