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    • 中职英语培优课堂(1微课版教程全国英语等级考试学习用书中职阶段面向人人考项目英语赛事用书)
      • 作者:编者:马闪|责编:郑迪
      • 出版社:西北大学
      • ISBN:9787560449258
      • 出版日期:2022/05/01
      • 页数:176
    • 售价:18
  • 内容大纲

        本书是中职英语培优教材,共有11个单元,每个单元覆盖一个交际话题。每个单元包括4个Section(部分),Section A、Section B、Section C三个部分分别是从本单元话题的不同方面展开,通过不同题型的设置,练习学生的听、说、读、写等方面的能力,其中Section A、Section B通过设定任务与活动,让学生利用所学知识,完成调查、汇报、简单写作等一系列任务,从而在应用中学会使用语言,提高口语表达能力。Section C是以一篇文章为主展开题型设计。Section D是语法讲解和练习。题型设置的新颖度紧贴时代发展和学生的日常生活,可以提高学生学习的积极性。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Make friends
      Section A All about me
      Section B Hello and Goodbye
      Section C Passage SMALL TALK
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 2 Daily life
      Section A Routines habit
      Section B Doing the housework
      Section C Passage Home habit
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 3 Interest
      Section A What's your hobby
      Section B Cool clubs
      Section C Passage Online forums
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 4 Holiday
      Section A Going on holiday
      Section B The ready for holiday
      Section C Passage Exploring the city
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 5 Food
      Section A What's for dinner
      Section B Traditional food
      Section C Passage Great places to eat
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 6 Sport
      Section A Daily Exercise
      Section B The Winter Olympics
      Section C Passage Staying in shape
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 7 Shopping
      Section A Go shopping
      Section B Service
      Section C Passage The Dubai Mall
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 8 Health
      Section A Stay Healthy
      Section B Uncomfortable
      Section C Passage Rethink Your Way to Great Health
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 9 Grow up
      Section A Childhood
      Section B Favorite classes
      Section C Passage Teenage Years
      Section D Grammar
    Unit 10 Weather
      Section A What's the weather today
      Section B The funny cities
      Section C Passage The Spring City
      Section D Grammar

    Unit 11 In the future
      Section A What's next
      Section B What do you want to be
      Section C Passage In the future
      Section D Grammar


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