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    • 数形与对称性--数论几何和群论导论(英文)/国外优秀数学著作原版系列
      • 作者:(美)黛安·L.赫尔曼//小保罗·J.萨利|责编:杜莹雪//李兰静
      • 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学
      • ISBN:9787560399713
      • 出版日期:2022/05/01
      • 页数:456
    • 售价:51.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    0 Warm-up: The Triangle Game
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
      The Beginnings of Number Theory
      1.1 Setting the Table: Numbers, Sets, and Functions
        Numbers and Number Systems
        Math Words
      1.2 Rules of Arithmetic
      1.3 A New System
      1.4 One's Digit Arithmetic
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    2 Axioms in Number Theory
      2.1 Consequences of the Rules of Arithmetic
        Cancelation for Addition
        Properties of-1 and 0
        Cancelation for Multiplication
        Subtraction and Division
      2.2 Inequalities and Order
        Order and Other Number Systems
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    3 Divisibility and Primes
      3.1 Divisibility
      3.2 Greatest Common Divisor
      3.3 Primes
        Formulas for Primes
        Twin Primes and Triple Primes
        Other Conjectures about Primes
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    4 The Division and Euclidean Algorithms
      4.1 The Division Algorithm
        The Division Algorithm with a Negative Dividend
      4.2 The Euclidean Algorithm and the Greatest Common Divisor
      4.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
        Why We Don't Call 1 a Prime
        Prime Factorization and the GCD
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    5 Variations on a Theme
      5.1 Applications of Divisibility
        Fibonacci Numbers
        Sum and Number of Divisors
        Perfect Numbers
      5.2 More Algorithms

        Rational Arithmetic and Least Common Multiples
        Egyptian Fractions
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    6 Congruences and Groups
      6.1 Congruences and Arithmetic of Residue Classes
      6.2 Groups and Other Structures
        Cyclic Groups
        Zero Divisors and Fields
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    7 Applications of Congruences
      7.1 Divisibility Tests
        Divisibility by Powers of 2
        Divisibility by Powers of 5
        Divisibility by 3 and 9
        Divisibility by 11
        Divisibility by 7, 11, and 13
      7.2 Days of the Week
        Calculating from the First Date of Any Year
        How to Find the Day of the Week
      7.3 Check Digits
        ISBNs and UPC Numbers
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
      Rational Numbers and Real Numbers
      8.1 Fractions to Decimals
      8.2 Decimals to Fractions
      8.3 Infinity
      8.4 Rational Numbers
      8.5 Irrational Numbers
      8.6 How Many Real Numbers?
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    9 Introduction to Geometry and Symmetry
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    IO Polygons and Their Construction
      10.1 Polygons and Their Angles
        n -gons
      10.2 Constructions
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
      Symmetry Groups
      11.1 Symmetric Motions of the Triangle
      11.2 Symmetric Motions of the Square
        Reflections and Rotations

        Impossible Motions
        Economy of Notation Revisited
      11.3 Symmetries of Regular n-gons
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    12 Permutations
      12.1 Symmetric Motions as Permutations
        Permutations and the Motions of the Square
      12.2 Counting Permutations and Symmetric Groups
      12.3 Even More Economy of Notation
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    13 Polyhedra
      13.1 Regular Polyhedra
      13.2 Euler's Formula
      13.3 Symmetries of Regular Polyhedra
        Rotations of the Tetrahedron
        Tetrahedron "Flips," or Reflections
        Economy of Notation
        Rotations of the Cube
        Cube "Flips," or Reflections
      13.4 Reflections and Rotations
        Symmetries of the Octahedron
        The Dodecahedron and the Icosahedron
      13.5 Variations on a Theme: Other Polyhedra
        Prisms and Pyramids
        Other Convex and Nonconvex Polyhedra
        Diagrams (Nets) for Making Polyhedra
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    14 Graph Theory
       14.1 Introduction
       14.2 The KSnigsberg Bridge Problem
       14.3 Colorability and Planarity
       14.4 Graphs and Their Complements
       14.5 Trees
      Practice Problems Solutions and Hints
    15 Tessellations
       15.1 Tessellating with a Single Shape
      15.2 Tessellations with Multiple Shapes
      15.3 Variations on a Theme: Polyominoes
      15.4 Frieze Patterns
        Symmetry Groups
        The Four Symmetric Motions
        Classification of Friezes
        The Seven Symmetries
      15.5 Infinite Patterns in Two and Three Dimensions .
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints

    16 Connections
      16.1 The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
        The Golden Ratio and Geometry
        Constructing the Golden Ratio
        Fibonacci Numbers
      16.2 Constructible Numbers and Polygons
        Constructing √a
        Constructible Polygons
        Gauss's Construction of a Regular Pentagon
        Constructing Other Regular n-gons
      Practice Problem Solutions and Hints
    A Appendix: Euclidean Geometry Review
      Part 1
      Part 2



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