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    • 机电英语/21世纪大学实用专业英语系列
      • 作者:编者:董丽|责编:曹凯|总主编:杨文辉
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309068412
      • 出版日期:2009/08/01
      • 页数:208
    • 售价:11.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Machinery Foundation
      Lesson 1  Steel
      Lesson 2  Heat Treatment of Metals
      Lesson 3  Introduction to Bearings
      Lesson 4  Introduction to Gears
      Lesson 5  Introduction to Cams
      Lesson 6  Introduction to Springs
      Lesson 7  Dimensions and Tolerances
      Lesson 8  Properties of Materials
      Lesson 9  Hydraulic System
      Lesson 10  Introduction to CAD
    Chapter 2  Electrical Foundation
      Lesson 1  Power
      Lesson 2  Electronic Components
      Lesson 3  Circuit
      Lesson 4  Direct Current and Alternating Current
      Lesson 5  Measuring Instruments
      Lesson 6  Transformer
      Lesson 7  Instrument Transformer
      Lesson 8  Electric Motor
      Lesson 9  Generator
      Lesson 10  Contactor
      Lesson 11  Relay
      Lesson 12  Low Voltage Circuit Breaker
      Lesson 13  Master Switch
      Lesson 14  Programmable Logic Controller
      Lesson 15  Frequency Converter
      Lesson 16  Touch Screen
    Chapter 3  Electromechanical Products
      Lesson 1  History of the Automobile
      Lesson 2  ICE
      Lesson 3  Principle of Four-stroke Gasoline Engine
      Lesson 4  Brief Introduction to the Common Chassis
      Lesson 5  Numerical Control
      Lesson 6  Industrial Robots
      Lesson 7  Computer Integrated Manufacturing
      Lesson 8  Flexible Manufacturing System
      Lesson 9  Information Technology
      Lesson 10  Computer Aided Manufacturing



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