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    • 高职实用英语综合教程(高职高专英语专业精品教材)
      • 作者:编者:陈海飞//张喜来|责编:武丽娟
      • 出版社:北京理工大学
      • ISBN:9787576314885
      • 出版日期:2022/07/01
      • 页数:194
    • 售价:15.2
  • 内容大纲

        本教材包含了旅游、商务二个模块,共8个项目,每个学习项目分别包括Lead in,Learning goals,Section 1 Listening and Speaking,Section 2 Writing,Section 3 Grammar and Translation,Section 4 Reading Comprehension,Section 5 Culture Tips。在Section 1 Listening and Speaking部分有4个与职场有关的情景对话,配有外籍专家职场情景对话视频,使学生英语学习更为直观,并且提供了学生情景对话练习,使其在任务完成中做到“学中做、做中学”。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Module 1  Tourism
      Project 1  Hotel Reservation and Check-in
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
      Project 2  Food and Beverage Service
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
      Project 3  Airline Service
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
      Project 4  Talking about Itinerary and Sightseeing
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
    Module 2  E-commerce
      Project 1  Online Communication-Visiting an E-store and Asking about Products
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
      Project 2  Online Communication-Placing an Order and Settling Complaints
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips

      Project 3  Offline Communication-Making a Schedule and Reception of Clients
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips
      Project 4  Offline Communication-Business Negotiation and Customer Meeting
        Lead in
        Learning goals
        Section 1  Listening and Speaking
        Section 2  Writing
        Section 3  Grammar and Translation
        Section 4  Reading Comprehension
        Section 5  Culture Tips



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