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    • 学科英语写作教程(材料科学)/中国科学院大学研究生教材系列
      • 作者:编者:崔雅琼|责编:刘细珍|总主编:高原//张红晖
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302620938
      • 出版日期:2022/12/01
      • 页数:176
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

        本教材还提供了材料科学专用词汇表和常用词汇搭配表等拓展学习资源,读者可登录ftp://ftp.tup.tsing hua.edu.cn./下载使用。本教材既可作为学术英语写作教材,也可作为学术论文写作的参考工具书。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introducing Materials Science Articles
      1.1  Article Structure
      1.2  Article Content
      1.3  Academic Notes
    Chapter 2  Writing the Introduction Section
      2.1  General Introduction
      2.2  Verb Tense
      2.3  Sample Analysis
      2.4  Useful Expressions
      2.5  Checklist for Writing the Introduction Section
    Chapter 3  Writing the Methods Section
      3.1  General Introduction
      3.2  Verb Tense
      3.3  Cohesion
      3.4  Sample Analysis
      3.5  Useful Expressions
      3.6  Checklist for Writing the Methods Section
    Chapter 4  Writing the Results Section
      4.1  General Introduction
      4.2  Two Organizations: Sequential Pattern and Alternating Pattern
      4.3  Figure/Table Titles
      4.4  Verb Tense
      4.5  Sample Analysis
      4.6  Useful Expressions
      4.7  Checklist for Writing the Results Section
    Chapter 5  Writing the Discussion Section
      5.1  General Introduction
      5.2  Highlighting and Hedging
      5.3  Verb Tense
      5.4  Sample Analysis
      5.5  Useful Expressions
      5.6  Checklist for Writing the Discussion Section
    Chapter 6  Writing the Abstract and Title
      6.1  General Introduction
      6.2  Verb Tense
      6.3  Features of Materials Science Paper Titles
      6.4  Sample Analysis
      6.5  Useful Expressions
      6.6  Checklist for Writing the Abstract and Title
    Chapter 7  Features of Academic Language
      7.1  Syntactic Features of Materials Science Articles
      7.2  Language Features: FACT
    Chapter 8  Conclusion
      8.1  Revisiting Previous Chapters
      8.2  Connecting Different Sections
    Keys to Exercises



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