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    • 学科英语写作教程(地学)/中国科学院大学研究生教材系列
      • 作者:编者:刘云龙|责编:方燕贝|总主编:高原//张红晖
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302621317
      • 出版日期:2022/12/01
      • 页数:153
    • 售价:22.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Titles
      1.1  Grammatical Constructions in Titles
      1.2  Using Prepositions Properly
      1.3  Using the Definite Article "the" Properly
    Chapter 2  Abstracts
      2.1  An Overview of the Abstract Section
      2.2  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      2.3  Verb Tenses in the Abstract Section
      2.4  Using Non-finite Verbs Properly
    Chapter 3  Introductions
      3.1  An Overview of the Introduction Section
      3.2  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      3.3  Verb Tenses in the Introduction Section
      3.4  Paraphrasing
      3.5  Synthesizing Sources
      3.6  Inserting Dependent Clauses
    Chapter 4  Methods
      4.1  An Overview of the Methods Section
      4.2  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      4.3  Verb Tenses in the Methods Section
      4.4  Cohesive Devices
    Chapter 5  Results
      5.1  An Overview of the Results Section
      5.2  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      5.3  Verb Tenses in the Results Section
      5.4  Nominalization
      5.5  Usages of "with" in Academic Writing
    Chapter 6  Discussions
      6.1  An Overview of the Discussion Section
      6.2  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      6.3  Verb Tenses in the Discussion Section
      6.4  Using Hedges
    Chapter 7  Conclusions and Acknowledgements
      7.1  An Overview of the Conclusions Section
      7.2  An Overview of the Acknowledgements Section
      7.3  Useful Expressions and Sentence Patterns
      7.4  Sentence Structures
    Appendix Ⅰ  Frequently-used Collocations in Geoscience Papers
    Appendix Ⅱ  Keys to Exercises



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