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    • 实用药学英语
      • 作者:编者:易建红|责编:孟媛
      • 出版社:西南交大
      • ISBN:9787564388782
      • 出版日期:2022/08/01
      • 页数:209
    • 售价:15.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Module One  The R&D of Drug
      Lesson One  Drug Discovery
      Lesson Two  Drug Development Process
      Lesson Three  Patented Drugs, Original Drugs and Generic Drugs
      Lesson Four  The Historical Development of TCM
      Module Review
    Module Two  Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
      Lesson One  Pharmaceutical Manufacturing
      Lesson Two  Pharmaceutical Contamination
      Lesson Three  Excipient
      Lesson Four  Extraction Techniques of Medicinal Plants
      Module Review
    Module Three  Drug Administration
      Lesson One  Route of Drug Administration
      Lesson Two  How to Read Doctor's Prescription
      Lesson Three  Over-the-Counter Drug Label
      Lesson Four  Prescription Drug Labels
      Lesson Five  Package Insert of a Medicine
      Lesson Six  The Ancient Art of Decoction
      Module Review
    Module Four  Medication Safety
      Lesson One  Medication Errors
      Lesson Two  A Pharmacist's Role in Medication Error Prevention
      Lesson Three  Over-the-Counter & Prescription Medicine
      Lesson Four  Safe Medication Administration Checklist
      Lesson Five  The Tips for Identifying Fake Drugs
      Lesson Six  Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance
      Module Review
    Module Five  Career Skills in Pharmaceutical Industry
      Lesson One  Overview of Pharmaceutical Industry
      Lesson Two  Samples of Job Profile in Pharmaceutical Industry
      Lesson Three  Samples of Job Advertisements
      Lesson Four  Cover Letter
      Lesson Five  Retail Pharmacist
      Module Review
    Module Six  Extension Reading
      Lesson One  The Environmental Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals
      Lesson Two  Antibiotics Pollution
      Lesson Three  Policies and Measures on TCM
      Lesson Four  China Strives for Innovative Drugs
      Lesson Five  Riding Reforms for Drug Innovation
      Appendix 1  Common Abbreviations Used in Prescriptions/Medication Orders ~
      Appendix 2  Common Warning Labels
      Appendix 3  Signs Commonly Used in Retail Pharmacy
      Appendix 4  Words Commonly Used in Pharmaceutical Industry
      Appendix 5  Words Commonly Used in Pharmaceutical Manufacturer



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