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    • 京师历史评论(2021Vol.2No.1)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:北京师范大学历史学院
      • 出版社:商务印书馆
      • ISBN:9787100219112
      • 出版日期:2023/02/01
      • 页数:396
    • 售价:59.2
  • 内容大纲

        The BNU Historical Review(京师历史评论)为北京师范大学历史学院主编的英文历史学专业研究辑刊,是北京师范大学历史学院“双一流建设”的重要成果。主要发表中国史学界的优秀原创成果,中国史与世界史并重,注重比较研究;设有专题研究、书评等栏目。这些高水平论文的集中展示,必将深化与国外同行的学术交流,对中国历史学的研究起到重要推进作用,促进中外文明的交流与互鉴。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Historical Philosophy
      On the Structure of Reason: Comparing the Fundamental Similaritie and Differences between Chinese and Western Thinking  LIU Jiahe
    Fostering a Strong Sense of a Community for the Chinese Nation
      The Connotation, Origin and Historical Significance of Mao Tse-Tung's View of the Chinese Nation  Qu Lindong
      From “Huaxia” to “Zhonghua”: On the Origin of the Concept of the “Chinese Nation”  Chao Fulin
      A Distinct Sign of Transition from the Chinese Nation's Self-existence to Its Self-consciousness: Li Dazhao's New Chinese Nationalism  Zheng Shiqu
    The Formation and Development of Unitive Multiethnic Country of China
      The Evolution of Ethnic Political Forms and the Modern Transformation of Chinese History  Wu Qine
    Cities in the Ancient World
      Athenian State Funeral Speeches and the Construction of Polis Image  Yan Shaoxiang
      On Infanticide in Ancient Athenian Society  Xie Zhiqin
      The Newly Discovered Funerary Inscription at Pompeii and Local Politics in the Last Days of the Ancient City  Xiong Ying
    Notes on History
      An Interpretation of Dong Zhongshu's Idea of “Wei Ren Zhe Tian”  WEI Yanhong, WEI Keyin
    Book Reviews & Pulication News
      New Development of Research on Chen Yuan: From History to Thought  Mao Ruifang
      A Review of A Comparative Study on the Protestantism and Roman Catholicism in the Age of Reformation  Wu Chou
      A Review of The Transformation of Tao and Its Ontological Connotations: Ontology and Ancient Chinese Thought  Fu Zhe
      A Review of Xu Chang's New Book, Living Near Chang'an: Rural Society in the Metropolitan Area in the Tang  Liao Jingjing,
      The Efforts of the National Government to Safeguard China's Sovereignty in its Tibetan Area (1927-1947)


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