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    • 天然药物化学(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:于荣敏//华会明|责编:古碧卡//姚晓莉
      • 出版社:暨南大学
      • ISBN:9787566833617
      • 出版日期:2022/12/01
      • 页数:527
    • 售价:35.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1  Introduction
      1.1  Brief introduction
      1.2  Biosynthesis of natural compounds
      1.3  Extraction and isolation methods
      1.4  The methods of structure research
    2  Saccharides and Glycosides
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Stereochemistry of monosaccharide
      2.3  Classification of saccharides and glycosides
      2.4  Chemical properties of saccharides
      2.5  Cleavage of glycosidic bond
      2.6  The NMR properties of saccharides
      2.7  The structure determination of saccharide chain
      2.8  The extraction and isolation of saccharides and glycosides
    3  Phenylpropanoids
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  Biosynthesis pathway
      3.3  Phenylpropionic acid
      3.4  Coumarins
      3.5  Lignans
    4  Quinones
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Biosynthesis pathway
      4.3  Structure types
      4.4  Physicochemical properties
      4.5  Extraction and isolation
      4.6  Spectral characteristic
      4.7  Bioactivities
      4.8  Example of structure elucidation
    5  Flavonoids
      5.1  Structure category of flavonoids
      5.2  Physical, chemical properties, and color reaction
      5.3  Extraction and isolation
      5.4  Identification and structure characterization of flavonoids
      5.5  Biological activity of flavonoids
    6  Terpenoids and Volatile Oils
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Structure types and representation
      6.3  Physicochemical properties of terpenoids
      6.4  Extraction and isolation of terpenoids
      6.5  Structure elucidation of terpenoids
      6.6  Volatile oils
    7  Triterpenoids and Their Glycosides
      7.1  Introduction

      7.2  Biosynthesis pathway
      7.3  Structure types
      7.4  Physicochemical properties
      7.5  Extraction and isolation
      7.6  Spectral characteristics
      7.7  Bioactivities
      7.8  Examples of structure elucidation
    8  Steroids and Their Glycosides
      8.1  Introduction
      8.2  Steroidal saponins
      8.3  C2 steroids
      8.4  Cardioactive glycosides
      8.5  Extraction and separation of steroids
    9  Alkaloids
      9.1  Introduction
      9.2  Biosynthesis pathway
      9.3  Structure types
      9.4  Physicochemical properties
      9.5  Extraction and isolation
      9.6  Spectral characteristic
      9.7  Bioactivities
      9.8  Examples of structure elucidation
    10  Marine Natural Products
      10.1  Introduction
      10.2  Macrolides
      10.3  Polyesters
      10.4  Peptides
      10.5  C15 acetogenins
      10.6  Prostaglandin analogues
      10.7  Sterols
      10.8  Specific examples of marine products research



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