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    • 中外英语教师课堂元话语比较研究(英文版)
      • 作者:仵欣欣|责编:汤定军
      • 出版社:苏州大学
      • ISBN:9787567241282
      • 出版日期:2022/12/01
      • 页数:294
    • 售价:31.2
  • 内容大纲

        Metadiscourse is an important rhetorical resource in academic genres (Hyland, 2005; Mauranen, 1993b). This monograph attempts to fill the gap of metadiscourse research in spoken academic genres by comparing the classroom metadiscourse used by native English speaking EAP teachers in the UK artd non-native English-speaking EAP teachers in China. Specifically, the current research primarily compared the frequencies and distributions of metadiscourse markers across the two groups of teachers and discussed potential reasons for their similarities and variations.
        This research is based on a self-compiled corpus, which is divided into two subcorpora, representing the native and non-native EAP teachers' classroom discourse respectively, The data were collected from sixteen video recordings of eight teachers' classroom teaching. with four from each cultural context. By integrating a corpus-linguistic approach into Hyland's (2005) interpersonal model of metadiscourse, the present study demonstrated considerable similarities and differences of metadiscourse markers used by the two teacher groups. The concepts of discourse community and speech community were employed to explain their general commonalities and discrepancies. Possible reasons such as class size, cultural conventions, cross-linguistic transfer, linguistic repertoire and development order of acquisition, were also discussed for their variations in specific metadiscourse devices. The present study may enrich existing Metadiscourse research in spoken academic genres. It may also serve as the first step in raising teachers' classroom Ianguage awareness and involving language proficiency training in teacher education programmes.
  • 作者介绍

        仵欣欣,江南大学校聘教授,原德州学院外国语学院讲师,英国阿伯丁大学英语语言及语言学方向博士,获国家留学基金委建设高水平大学公派研究生项目和阿伯丁大学联合金额奖学金攻读博士学位。主要研究兴趣包括二语习得、话语分析、教师认知与教师教育、语料库语言学等,主要学术兼职包括英国应用语言学学会会员,国际应用语言学学会会员,国际英语教师学会会员,并担任多家SSCI期刊匿名审稿人。目前在语言学国际期刊如Applied Linguistics,TESOL Quarterly,Language and Education,Journal of Pragmatics,Journal of English for Academic Purposes等发表论文、书评30余篇,在国内外知名出版社出版译著3部,参编教材2部。主持国家社科基金项目、省社科规划项目、中国高教学会重点项目、省高教学会重点项目等课题多项。
  • 目录

    List of tables
    List of figures
    List of abbreviations
    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Introduction
      1.2  Background of the current research
      1.3  Assumptions and research questions
      1.4  Theoretical framework
      1.5  Significance of the current research
      1.6  Organisation of the book
    Chapter 2  An overview of research in metadiscourse
      2.1  Introduction
      2.2  Origin and development of the term metadiscourse
        2.2.1  SFG-inspired broad approach
        2.2.2  Jakobson's function-based narrow approach
      2.3  Definitions of metadiscourse
        2.3.1  Definitions in the broad approach tradition
        2.3.2  Definitions in the narrow approach tradition
        2.3.3  Definition adopted in this research
      2.4  Classifications of metadiscourse
        2.4.1  Classifications in the broad approach tradition
        2.4.2  Classifications in the narrow approach tradition
        2.4.3  Classification adopted in this research
      2.5  Other terms pertinent to metadiscourse
        2.5.1  Metalanguage
        2.5.2  Metacommunication
        2.5.3  Discourse markers
      2.6  Overview of metadiscourse research in academic genres
        2.6.1  Cross-disciplinary research on metadiscourse in academic genres
        2.6.2  Cross-linguistic research on metadiscourse in academic genres
        2.6.3  Cross-cultural research on metadiscourse in academic genres
      2.7  Summary
    Chapter 3  An overview of research in classroom discourse
      3.1  Introduction
      3.2  A brief history of research in classroom discourse
      3.3  Major approaches to the study of classroom discourse
        3.3.1  The interaction analysis approach
        3.3.2  The discourse analysis approach
        3.3.3  The conversation analysis approach
      3.4  Overview of metadiscoursive research in classroom discourse
        3.4.1  Metadiscourse research across classroom discourse and written discourse
        3.4.2  Metadiscourse research in one-way classroom discourse
        3.4.3  Metadiscourse research across monologic and dialogic modes of classroom discourse
      3.5  Rationales for the current research
      3.6  Summary
    Chapter 4  An analytical framework for teachers' classroom metadiscourse
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Interpersonal model of metadiscourse analysis
        4.2.1  Interactional metadiscourse
        4.2.2  Interactive metadiscourse

        4.2.3  The list of metadiscourse items
      4.3  Integration of corpus linguistics with metadiscourse analysis
        4.3.1  Overview of basic concepts in corpus linguistics
        4.3.2  Three categories of corpus linguistic research
        4.3.3  Integrating corpus-based analytical method into metadiscourse research
      4.4  Summary
    Chapter 5  Methodology
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Research questions
      5.3  Overall research design
      5.4  Data preparation
        5.4.1  Rationales for data collection methods
        5.4.2  Recruitment of participants
        5.4.3  Data recording
      5.5  Data treatment
        5.5.1  Transcription
        5.5.2  Identification of potential metadiscourse markers
        5.5.3  Elimination of irrelevant metadiscourse items
        5.5.4  Compilation of corpus
        5.5.5  Coding of corpus
      5.6  Data analysis
      5.7  Research ethics
      5.8  Summary
    Chapter 6  A corpus linguistic analysis of metadiscourse use across native and non-native EAP teachers
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Overall result of metadiscourse markers in both ET and CT sub-corpora
      6.3  Interactional metadiscourse markers in both ET and CT sub-corpora
        6.3.1  Hedges
        6.3.2  Boosters
        6.3.3  Attitude markers
        6.3.4  Engagement markers
        6.3.5  Self-mentions
      6.4  Interactive metadiscourse markers in both ET and CT sub-corpora
        6.4.1  Transitions
        6.4.2  Frame markers
        6.4.3  Endophoric markers
        6.4.4  Code glosses
      6.5  Summary
    Chapter 7  Conclusion
      7.1  Introduction
      7.2  Summary of the book
        7.2.1  Uniformity of metadiscourse use
        7.2.2  Variations of rhetorical preferences
        7.2.3  Diversifications of lexical types of metadiscourse
      7.3  Implications of the current research
        7.3.1  Theoretical implications for the study of metadiscourse markers
        7.3.2  Pedagogical implications for language teachers and teacher education
      7.4  Limitations and suggestions for further research
    Appendix 1  List of metadiscourse items

    Appendix 2  Participant information sheet
    Appendix 3  Consent form for teachers
    Appendix 4  Consent form for students
    Appendix 5  Transcription conventions



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