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    • 华时代大学英语视听说教程(4学生用书华时代大学英语系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:吕红波//袁利军|责编:朱莉芝//陈彦婕|总主编:陶文好
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309161816
      • 出版日期:2022/10/01
      • 页数:134
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Honesty
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Ulp
      · Part Ⅱ Listening
        Section A Briot Monologue
        Section B Long Corversation
        Section C Lecture
        Soction D Passage Academic Honesty
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice A Story of Honesty
        Section B While-watching Practico
        Section C Alter-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project
        Section A Watching and Thinking Honest Communicatlon
        Section B Now Your Turm Honesty
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Glimpse of China
        Section A Pre-listening Practice Honesty
        Section B Whie-listening Practice
        Section C Alter-listening Practice
    Unit 2 Economy
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Up
      · Part Ⅱ Listening
        Section A Brief Monologue
        Section B Long Conversation
        Section C Lecture
        Section D Passage Saving for the Future
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice What Is a Bubble
        Section B While-watching Practice
        Section C After-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project
        Section A Watching and Thinking What Does Fake Money Mean?
        Section B Now Your Tum What Is Economics?
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Glimpse of China
        Section A Pre-listening Practice Great Bay Area
        Section B While-listening Practice
        Section C After-llstening Practice
    Unit 3 Philosophy
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Up
      · Part Ⅱ Listening
        Section A Brief Monologue
        Section B Long Conversation
        Section C Lecture

        Section D Passage The Answer Lies in the East
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice Easterm Philosophy Wu Wel
        Section B While-watching Practice
        Section C After-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project
        Section A Watching and Thinking Top 10 Strangest Philosophies
        Section B Now Your Tum Who Am 1?
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Glimpse of China .
        Section A Pre-listening Practice Confuclanism
        Section B While-listening Practice
        Section C After-listening Practice
    Unit 4 Medicine
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Up
      · Part Ⅱ Listening
        Section A Brief Monologue
        Section B Long Conversation
        Section C Lecture
        Section D Passage A Dangerous Mix
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice What Is Homeopathy and Does It Work?
        Section B While-watching Practice
        Section C After-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project
        Section A Watching and Thinking Is This the Future of Health Care?
        Section B Now Your Tum Chinese Medicinal Cuisine
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Glimpse of China
        Section A Pre-listening Practice The Characteristics of Traditional Chinese Medicine
        Section B While-listening Practice
        Section C After-listening Practice
    Unit 5 Aerospace
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Up
      · Part Ⅱ Listening.
        Section A Brief Monologue
        Section B Long Conversation
        Section C Lecture
        Section D Passage Encounter with UFO
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice What ls the Future of Aerospace?
        Section B While-watching Practice
        Section C After-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project

        Section A Watching and Thinking We Are Going
        Section B Now Your Tum How Honeycomb Is Used in Aerospace
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Glmpse of China
        Section A Pre-listening Practice BeiDou-3
        Section B While-listening Practice
        Section C After-Iistening Practice
    Unit 6 Career Planning
      · Part Ⅰ Warm Up
      · Part Ⅱ Listening.
        Section A Brief Monologue
        Section B Long Conversatlon
        Section C Lecture
        Section D Passage Skills Required to Get a Job
      · Part Ⅲ Watching and Speaking
        Section A Pre-watching Practice Top Interview Tips: Cormmon Questions, Body Language?
        Section B While-watching Practice
        Section C After-watching Practice
      · Part Ⅳ Project
        Section A Watching and Thinking Job and Career
        Section B Now Your Tum Career Development
      · Part Ⅴ Quiz
        Section A
        Section B
        Section C
      · Part Ⅵ A Gümpse of China
        Section A Pre-listening Practice Celebrity
        Section B While-listening Practice
        Section C After-listening Practice



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