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    • 分析学教程--第2卷多元函数的微分和积分向量微积分(英文)/国外优秀数学著作原版系列
      • 作者:(英)尼尔斯·雅各布//克里斯蒂安·P.埃文斯|责编:刘家琳
      • 出版社:哈尔滨工业大学
      • ISBN:9787576706123
      • 出版日期:2023/03/01
      • 页数:791
    • 售价:47.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    List of Symbols
    Part 3: Differentiation of Functions of Several Variables
      1 Metric Spaces
      2 Convergence and Continuity in Metric Spaces
      3 More on Metric Spaces and Continuous Functions
      4 Continuous Mappings Between Subsets of Euclidean Spaces
      5 Partial Derivatives
      6 The Differential of a Mapping
      7 Curves in Rn
      8 Surfaces in R3. A First Encounter
      9 Taylor Formula and Local Extreme Values
      10 Implicit Functions and the Inverse Mapping Theorem
      11 Further Applications of the Derivatives
      12 Curvilinear Coordinates
      13 Convex Sets and Convex Functions in Rn
      14 Spaces of Continuous Functions as Banach Spaces
      15 Line Integrals
    Part 4: Integration of Functions of Several Variables
      16 Towards Volume Integrals in the Sense of Riemann
      17 Parameter Dependent and Iterated Integrals
      18 Volume Integrals on Hyper-Rectangles
      19 Boundaries in Rn and Jordan Measurable Sets
      20 Volume Integrals on Bounded Jordan Measurable Sets
      21 The Transformation Theorem: Result and Applications
      22 Improper Integrals and Parameter Dependent Integrals
    Part 5: Vector Calculus
      23 The Scope of Vector Calculus
      24 The Area of a Surface in R3 and Surface Integrals
      25 Gauss' Theorem in R3
      26 Stokes' Theorem in R2 and R3
      27 Gauss’ Theorem for Rn
      Appendix I: Vector Spaces and Linear Mappings
      Appendix II: Two Postponed Proofs of Part 3
      Solutions to Problems of Part 3
      Solutions to Problems of Part 4
      Solutions to Problems of Part 5
      Mathematicians Contributing to Analysis (Continued)
      Subject Index



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