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    • 国际商法(英文版第2版)/21世纪国际经济与贸易专业教材新系
      • 作者:编者:张学森|责编:戚雅斯
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309138078
      • 出版日期:2018/09/01
      • 页数:449
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction to International Business Law
      Key Terms
      1.1 Definition of International Business Law
      1.2 Sources of International Business Law
      1.3 Major Legal Systems of the World
      1.4 Legal Risk of International Business Transactions
      1.5 Contents of International Business Law
      Case Study: CS 1-1 Gaskin v. Stumm Handel GMBH
    Chapter 2 Law of Business Organizations
      Key Terms
      2.1 Introduction
      2.2 Partnership Law
      2.3 Law of Corporations
      2.4 Foreign Investment Enterprises in China
      Case Study: CS 2-1 Salomon v Salomon & Company
    Chapter 3 Law of Agency
      Key Terms
      3.1 Nature of Agency and Agency Relationships
      3.2 Creation of Agency
      3.3 Duties of Agent and Principal
      3.4 Liability of Principal and Agent to Third Parties
      3.5 Termination of Agency
      Case Study: CS 3-1 Willis v. Champlain Cable Corp.
    Chapter 4 International Contract Law
      Key Terms
      4.1 Introduction
      4.2 Commercial Contract under the Uniform Commerical Code
      4.3 Formation of Contract
      4.4 Validity of Contract
      4.5 Performance of Contract
      4.6 Remedies for Breach of Contract
      Case Study: CS 4-1 Is There Any Contract Between the Parties?
    Chapter 5 Law of International Sale of Goods
      Key Terms
      5.1 Introduction to CISG
      5.2 Formation of Contract for International Sale of Goods
      5.3 Obligations of the Seller and Buyer
      5.4 Remedies for Breach of Contract
      5.5 Passing of Risk
      5.6 A Standard Contract for International Sales of Goods
      Case Study: CS 5-1 Is There Any Contract Between X and Y?
      CS 5-2 Who Is Legally Right?
    Chapter 6 International Cargo Transportation and Insurance
      Key Terms
      6.1 Introduction
      6.2 Law of International Cargo Transportation
      6.3 Bills of Lading
      6.4 Law of International Cargo Insurance
      Case Study: CS 6-1 The Ardennes

      CS 6-2 Riverstone Meat Co. v. Lancashire Shipping Co.
    Chapter 7 Finance of International Trade
      Key Terms
      7.1 Bills of Exchange
      7.2 Collection and URC522
      7.3 Trade Finance
      7.4 Letters of Credit
      Case Study: CS 7-1 Can the Bank Seek Reimbursement from the Buyer?
    Chapter 8 Law of Products Liability
      Key Terms
      8.1 Introduction of Product Liability Law
      8.2 Product Liability Law of the USA
      8.3 Product Liability Law of the European Union
      8.4 International Legislation on Product Liability
      Case Study: CS 8-1 John‘s Claim
    Chapter 9 Law of Intellectual Property Rights
      Key Terms
      9.1 Introduction to IPRs
      9.2 International Transfer of Technology
      9.3 International Licensing Agreements
      9.4 International Protection of IPRs
      Case Study: CS 9-1 Tom Acquinas Ideas
    Chapter 10 International Dispute Resolution Systems
      Key Terms
      10.1 Introduction to International Commercial Arbitration
      10.2 International Commercial Arbitration Institutions
      10.3 International Commercial Arbitration Agreement
      10.4 International Commercial Arbitration Procedure
      10.5 Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards
      Case Study: CS 10-1 Fiona Trust & Holding Corporation & 20 Others v. Yuri Privalov & 17 Others [2007]EWCA Civ20
    Appendix A CISG(United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods)
    Appendix B INCOTERMS 2000&2010
    Appendix C HAGUE RULESG(International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading)



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