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    • 9分达人雅思口语宝典
      • 作者:编者:新航道雅思研发中心//(英)詹姆斯|责编:谢晴
      • 出版社:世界知识
      • ISBN:9787501266630
      • 出版日期:2023/07/01
      • 页数:346
    • 售价:27.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Section Ⅰ The IELTS Speaking Criteria 雅思口语评分标准
    Chapter 1 Fluency and Coherence流利性与连贯性
      IELTS Level4
      IELTS Level5
      IELTS Level6
      IELTS Level7
    Chapter 2 Lexical Resource 词汇多样性
      IELTS Level4
      IELTS Level5
      IELTS Level6
      IELTS Level7
    Chapter 3 Grammatical Range and Accuracy 语法多样性及准确性
      IELTS Level4
      IELTS Level5
      IELTS Level6
      IELTS Level7
    Chapter 4 Pronunciation 发音
      IELTS Level4
      IELTS Level5
      IELTS Level6
      IELTS Level7
    Chapter 5 Summary 小结
    Section Ⅱ Part1 Preparation and Topics 如何准备Part Part1
    Chapter 1 Part1 Preparation Part1备考
      Some Exam Advice for Part
      Advice for Common Topics
      Suggested Useful Phrases/Paraphrases for Common Topics
    Chapter 2 Common Topics and Sample Answers常考话题及答案范例
      Frequently Asked Topics
      Learning Subjects
      Rest & Diet
      Art & Hobbies
      Pastimes & Sports
      Holidays & Festivals
      Shopping & Fashion
      Media & Advertisements
      Abstract Topics
    Chapter 3 Summary 小结
    Section Ⅲ Parts 2&3 Preparation and Topics 如何准备 Parts 2&3
    Chapter 1 Parts 2&3 Preparation Parts 2&3备考
      Advice for People and Animals topics
      Advice for Things topics
      Advice for Activities and Events topics
      Advice for Places topics
    Chapter 2 People and Animals人物和动物篇

      A favourite singer
      A foreign celebrity
      A famous athlete
      A person on social media
      A businessman you admire
      A family member you want to work with Someone older that you admire
      An interesting animal
    Chapter 3 Things物品类
      A gift you'd like to buy
      An item on which you spent more than you expected
      A toy you liked in your childhood
      Something that was broken in your home
      The last book you read
      A story someone told you
      A photograph of you that you like
      A piece of good news you heard/received
      A company where you live that employs a lot of people
      An article on health you read in a magazine or on the Internet
      A film that made you think a lot
      An interesting song
    Chapter 4 Activities & Events 活动与事件类
      A tradition in your country
      An occasion when someone gave you advice
      A time you taught something new to a younger person
      A time that someone didn't tell you the whole truth
      An occasion when you forgot something important
      A time you used your smartphone to do something important
      A time when you felt bored
      An occasion when you received bad service
      An ambition that you have had for a long time
      A trip that you plan to go on in the near future
      A time when you were stuck in a traffic jam
      A foreign language (except English) that you want to learn
      A healthy lifestyle you know
    Chapter 5 Places地点类
      A house or an apartment you would like to live in
      A place in your country that you would like to recommend to visitors
      A quiet place you like to go to A café you like to visit
      A place in a village that you visited
      The home of someone you know well and you often visit
    Chapter 6 Summary小结
    附录 Module   Tests and Sample Answers 真题模拟及参考答案
      Test 1试题
      Test 1 Sample Answers试题1参考答案
      Test 2试题
      Test 2 Sample Answers试题2参考答案
      Test 3试题
      Test 3 Sample Answers试题3参考答案
      Test 4试题
      Test 4 Sample Answers试题4参考答案

    Notes and Final Advice from the Author 作者最后的注释和建议



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