本书可作为高等院校设计学相关专业开展国际化课程教学的教材及辅助资料,也可供对设计学及主题式设计工作坊感兴趣的读者参考。 -
1 新·设计 源起 New-Design Origins
1.1 两个苹果的故事 A Tale of Two Apples
1.2 融合·共建·探索 Integration·Co-creation·Exploration
1.2.1 融合:问题的提出 Integration: the question posed
1.2.2 共建:无问东西 Co-creation: compatible and inclusive
1.2.3 探索:从试点到常态 Exploration: from pilot to normal
2 新·工科 New-Engineering
2.1 基于传统的现代设计探索 Modern Design Exploration Inspired by Traditional Culture
2.1.1 外教说·[芬兰]Hannu Popponen
2.1.2 工作坊主题及语境\Workshop theme and context
2.1.3 课程组织及教学准备\Course organization and teaching preparation
2.1.4 目标与意义\Objectives and significance
2.1.5 知识分享与交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
2.1.6 问题与方法\Problems and approaches
2.1.7 优秀作品展示与点评\Excellent works display and comments
2.2 智能照明设计
Intelligent Lighting Design
2.2.1 外教说·[芬兰]Jaime De Vizcaya
2.2.2 工作坊主题及语境\Workshop theme and context
2.2.3 知识构建\Knowledge building
2.2.4 展开程序与方法\Procedures and approaches
2.2.5 优秀作品展示与点评\Excellent works display and comments
3 新·媒体 New-Media
3.1 智能交互与生物设计 Intelligent Interaction and Biodesign
3.1.1 外教说·[美]Liqin Tan
3.1.2 知识构建\Knowledge building
3.1.3 思维训练\Thinking training
3.1.4 能力提升\Competence enhancing
3.2 智能手工艺设计 Smart Handicraft Design
3.2.1 外教说·[英]Sean Clark
3.2.2 知识构建\Knowledge building
3.2.3 思维训练\Thinking training
3.2.4 学生作品赏析\Students’ work appreciation
3.2.5 能力提升\Competence enhancing
3.3 AR/VR 交互设计 AR/VR Interaction Design
3.3.1 联合教师说·杜本麟
3.3.2 知识构建\Knowledge building
3.3.3 思维训练\Thinking training
3.3.4 能力提升\Competence enhancing
4 新·环境 New - Environment
4.1 基于未来生活的概念设计 Conceptual Design Based on Future Living
4.1.1 外教说·[芬兰]Hannu Popponen
4.1.2 课程背景与目标\Course background and objectives
4.1.3 课程组织及教学准备\Course organization and teaching preparation
4.1.4 目标与意义\Objectives and significance
4.1.5 知识分享与交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
4.1.6 问题与方法\Problems and approaches
4.1.7 优秀作品展示与点评\Excellent works display and comments
4.2 可持续建筑设计 Sustainable Architectural Design
4.2.1 外教说·[芬兰]Teemu Hirvilammi
4.2.2 课程背景与目标\Course background and objectives
4.2.3 知识分享与交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
4.2.4 设计流程与方法\Design processes and approaches
4.2.5 工作坊实录\Workshop recording
4.2.6 优秀作品展示与点评\Excellent works display and comments
4.3 公共空间装置 Public Space Installation
4.3.1 外教说·[芬兰]Esa Piironen
4.3.2 课程背景与目标\Course background and objectives
4.3.3 知识分享与交流\Knowledge sharing and exchange
4.3.4 设计流程与方法\Design processes and approaches
4.3.5 工作坊实录\Workshop recording
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