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    • 跨文化商务交际(专业英语类高等学校英语拓展系列教程)
      • 作者:编者:王维波//车丽娟|责编:张易//赵春梅
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787560071336
      • 出版日期:2008/08/01
      • 页数:206
    • 售价:15.96
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Culture, Communication, Intercultural Communication  文化、交际及跨文化交际
      Culture  文化
      Communication  交际
      Intercultural Communication  跨文化交际
      Case Study: To Be Direct or Not
      Further Reading: Cultural Differences
    Chapter 2  Communication Between Cultures: Verbal Communication  跨文化交际之言语交际
      Verbal Communication  言语交际
      Oral Communication  口头交际
      Written Communication  书面交际
      Case Study: The Problem of Using the Local Language
      Further Reading: Practice in Telephone Sales
    Chapter 3  Communication Between Cultures: Nonverbal Communication  跨文化交际之非言语交际
      Nonverbal Communication  非言语交际
      Kinesics  身势语
      Space and Distance  空间与距离
      Case Study: How Can You Still Smile?
      Further Reading: Features of Kinesics
    Chapter 4  Contrasting Cultural Values  文化价值观比较
      Cultural Values  文化价值观
      Cultural Dimensions  文化维度
      Case Study: Hand in the Report in 15 Days
      Further Reading: Cultural Values in International Business
    Chapter 5  Culture Shock in International Communication  跨文化交际中的文化休克
      Feelings of Culture Shock  文化休克的感受
      Stages of Culture Shock  文化休克的阶段
      Symptoms of Culture Shock  文化休克的症状
      Curing Culture Shock  医治文化休克
      High-context and Low-context Cultures  高语境与低语境文化
      Case Study: Are the Problems Right There or Not?
      Further Reading: Culture Clash
    Chapter 6  Business Etiquette and Social Customs  商务礼仪及社会习俗
      Introductions and Greetings  介绍及问候
      Handshaking and Exchanging Business Cards  握手与交换名片
      Dressing and Dining  着装与进餐
      Social Customs  社会习俗
      Gift Giving and Receiving  礼物的馈赠与接收
      Humor,Superstitions and Taboos  幽默、迷信及禁忌

      Case Study: What Caused the Conflict?
      Further Reading: "Going Dutch" Versus "Chinese Hospitality"
    Chapter 7  Business Negotiation Across Cultures  跨文化商务谈判
      Communication in Negotiation  谈判中的沟通
      The Influence of Cultural Differences on Negotiation  文化差异对谈判的影响
      Negotiation Strategies  谈判策略
      Physical Context of Negotiation  谈判的客观条件
      Phases of Negotiation  谈判阶段
      Case Study: Why Didn't the American Manager Explain Directly?
      Further Reading: Factors that Influence International Business Negotiation
    Chapter 8  Intercultural Management  跨文化管理
      Cultural Factors in International Business Management  国际商务管理中的文化因素
      Corporate Culture  企业文化
      Development of Teamwork  团队建设
      Strategies for International Marketers  国际营销人策略
      Case Study: GE's Informality
      Further Reading: Team Building
    Key to Exercises



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