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    • 华时代大学英语新指南阅读教程(2)
      • 作者:编者:杨雪飞|责编:陈彦婕|总主编:邓仕伦
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309161656
      • 出版日期:2022/08/01
      • 页数:141
    • 售价:22.4
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 The Value of Education
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Act'vitfes
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
        Section A Banked Cloze
          The Benefits of Education
        Section B Speed Reading
          Why Is Education the Key to Success?
        Sectan C In-depth Aeading
          Technology Can Narrow Education Gap
          Why Can China Give Every Child Equal Access to Education?
      Part Ⅲ Extended Actvities
        Section A Translatlior
        Section B Wrting
    Unit 2 Artificial Intelligence
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Actrvities
        Section A Banked Cioze
          AI: Teachers'Perfect Assistant
        Section B Speed Reading
          Artificial Womb May Help Smallest Babies
        Section C In-depth Aeading
          The Pros and Cons of AI
          AI Robots
      Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
        Section A Translatlon
        Section B Writing
    Unit 3 Customs
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Sectlon B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activites
        Section A Banked Cloze
          The Origin of Seting off Firecrackers
        Section B Speed Reading
          Chinese Clothing
        Section C In-depth Reading
          The Origin of the Aftemoon Tea
          Chickcras sar la ding Agamn
      Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
        Sectlon A Translaton
        Section B Writing
    Unit 4 Way to Success
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activities

        Section A Banked Cloze
          The Key Factors Leading to Success
        Section B Speed Readingu
          A Rough and Rugged Road
        Section C In-depth Reading
          The Feeling About Your Friends'Success
          Some Successful Factors
      Part Ⅱ Extended Actrvities
        Section A Translation
        Section B Writing
    Unit 5 Food and Health
      Part Ⅰ  Pre-reading Activities
        Section A  Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
        Section A Banked Cloze
          A Healthy Diet, A Healthy Life
        Section B Speed Reading
          Why Does Sugar Taste So Good? Evolution Has Answers
        Section C In-depth Reading
          Energy Drinks May Cause Heart Problems
          The Right Breakfast to Boost Your Brain
      Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
        Section A Translation
        Section B Writing
    Unit 6 Gratitude
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
        Section A Banked Cloze
          Turmoil Might Be a Golden Chance to Resolve Parent-child Conflict
        Section B Speed Reading
          Childhood Shapes Our Love Pattern
        Section C In-depth Reading
          I Love You, Mom
          Mom's Hands
      Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
        Section A Translation
        Section B Writine
    Unit 7 Low-carbon Life
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ Reading Activities
        Section A Banked Cloze
          An Iceberg
        Section B Speed Reading
          Staying Green While Seeking Growth
        Section C In-depth Reading

          More Deadly Pandemics
          Weather Disasters
      Part Ⅲ Extended Activities
        Section A Translation
        Section B Writing
    Unit 8 Employment
      Part Ⅰ Pre-reading Activities
        Section A Quotes Appreciation
        Section B Group Discussion
      Part Ⅱ  Reading Activities
        Section A Banked Cloze
          Bleak Global Employment Prospects
        Section B Speed Reading
          The Pandemic ls Forcing Executives to Work Harder
        Section C In-depth Reading
          The Impact of COVID-19 on Careers
          Microsoft Makes Telecommating Permanent
      Part Ⅲ  Extended Activities
        Section A Translation
        Section B Writing



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