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    • 新视野大学英语(读写教程3教师用书第4版十二五普通高等教育本科国家级规划教材)
      • 作者:编者:杨小虎//赵勇|责编:张宇|总主编:郑树棠
      • 出版社:外语教研
      • ISBN:9787521345650
      • 出版日期:2023/08/01
      • 页数:186
    • 售价:23.96
  • 内容大纲

        《读写教程》以价值塑造为导向,以夯实语言基础为核心,提供角度多元、内涵丰富的选篇以及循序渐进的练习活动,在着重提高学生读、写、译能力的同时,坚定理想信念,锤炼思维品质。新增Stories of China板块,集中展现中国在经济、社会、文化、科技与生态文明建设等方面的成就,培养家国情怀,提升民族自豪感。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1  The digital age: Are we ready? pl
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning pl
        Section A
        Section B
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passage translation
    Unit 2  Life stories
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning
        Section A
        Section B
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passage translation
    Unit 3  Let's go
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning
        Section A
        Section B Ⅱ
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passage translation
    Unit 4  When work is a pleasure
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning
        Section A
        Section B
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passa.ge translation
    Unit 5  China's space dream
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning
        Section A
        Section B
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passage translation
    Unit 6  The economy: power behind everyday life
      PART Ⅰ Understanding and learning
        Section A
        Section B
      PART Ⅱ Key to exercises
      PART Ⅲ Reading passage translation



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