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    • 英语教师文化个性与绩效管理(英文版)/外语教育文丛
      • 作者:曹耀萍|责编:谢金伶|总主编:吴晓春//曹耀萍
      • 出版社:中南大学
      • ISBN:9787548754305
      • 出版日期:2023/10/01
      • 页数:190
    • 售价:31.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1 Introduction
    2 Personality Researches
    2.1 Studies Abroad
    2.2 Domestic Researches
    2.3 Implications and Reflections
    3 Theoretical Bases and Hypotheses
    3.1 Psychological Sources
    3.2 Emotional Cognitive Evaluation Theories
    3.3 Problems and Hypotheses
    3.4 Research Methods
    4 English Teachers' Cultural Personality: Connotations
    4.l ETCP Status Quo
    4.2 ETCP Qualitative Analyses
    4.3 ETCP Questionnaire
    5 Performance Pressure and Cultural Personality
    5.1 Problems and Hypotheses
    5.2 Investigation and Analyses
    5.3 Significance and Contributions
    6 Teaching Satisfaction and Cultural Personality
    6.1 Satisfaction Correlation Hypotheses
    6.2 Investigation Design
    6.3 Survey Results and Preliminary Analyses
    7 English Teachers' Language Performance Pressure
    7.1 English Language Performance Pressures
    7.2 Degradation Analyses
    7.3 ETLP Survey and Analyses
    8 English Teachers' Research Performance Pressure
    8.1 Scientific Researches and Stress Sources
    8.2 Pressure Status
    8.3 Questionnaire Survey
    9 English Subject Resource Effect on English Teachers' Cultural
    9.1 Resource and Educational Resources
    9.2 Values and Hypotheses
    9.3 Exchange Properties
    9.4 Survey Researches
    10 Humanistic Care for English Teachers
    10. 1 Pressure Sources and Causes Precipitation
    10.2 Humanistic and Campus Environment Care
    11 Conclusion
    l1.1 Performance Advice
    11.2 Advice on Language Teaching
    11.3 Subject Resources Proposal
    Appendix Ⅰ: Cultural Personality of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Students' Use)
    Appendix Ⅱ: Cultural Personality of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Teachers' Use)
    Appendix Ⅲ: Cultural Personality and Teaching Efficacy of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Teachers' Use)
    Appendix Ⅳ: Performance Pressure on the Development of English Teachers' Cultural Personality (Questionnaire for Teachers' Use)
    Appendix Ⅴ: Teaching Satisfaction and Cultural Personality of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Students' Use)

    Appendix Ⅵ: Interpersonal Satisfaction and Cultural Personality of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Students' Use)
    Appendix Ⅶ: Interpersonal Satisfaction and Cultural Personality of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Teachers'/ Leaders' Use)
    Appendix Ⅷ: Cultural Personality and Life Significance of English Teachers (Questionnaire for Teachers' Use)
    Appendix Ⅸ: English Teachers' Language Performance (Questionnaire for Students' Use)
    Appendix Ⅹ: Research Performance Stressors for English Teachers (Questionnaire for Teachers' Use)
    Appendix Ⅺ: English Subject Resources


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