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    • 非母语英语教师的职业认同发展研究(英文版)/外国语言文化探索与研究书系
      • 作者:郑萱|责编:李红丽
      • 出版社:旅游教育
      • ISBN:9787563746156
      • 出版日期:2023/12/01
      • 页数:183
    • 售价:23.6
  • 内容大纲

        本书基于一项民族志研究,细致、深入地描绘了在美国大学英语系求学的国际学生学习成为英语教师的艰辛历程。在“母语者迷思”(native speaker fallacy;Phillipson, 1992)——即“理想的英语教师是母语者”——的影响下,本书跟踪记录并分析了三位国际学生在不同时空的语言学习、专业学习和教学经历中,如何理解自己的“非母语/母语”身份,协商与保留认同发展中的冲突,将有利的身份资源转化为教学优势并付诸实践,从而成为合格的大学英语写作教师。基于相关研究反馈,本书对未来非母语英语教师的研究以及外语教师的语言与职业认同发展提出了建议。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1 Introduction
      1.1  A Personal Story
      1.2  Background
      1.3  Chapter Overview
    Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theoretical Framework
      2.1  A Review of Research on Identity and Teacher Identity
      2.2  Research Questions
      2.3  Theoretical Framework
    Chapter 3 Methodology
      3.1  Qualitative Research Methods
      3.2  The Research Site and the Freshmen Composition Class
      3.3  Participants
      3.4  The Researcher and the Researched
      3.5  Data Collection
      3.6  Data Analysis
    Chapter 4 “Translingual” ITAs: Learning to Become Professionals of English
      4.1  Introduction
      4.2  Introducing the Participants
      4.3  Linguistic Identity: “ESL Person”, Chinese, or Translingual?
      4.4  Chapter Summary
    Chapter 5 Nexus of Multi-membership: Becoming a Competent
    Composition Teacher
      5.1  Introduction
      5.2  Who Are Teachers of College Composition?
      5.3  Learning to Teach College Composition
      5.4  Chapter Summary
    Chapter 6 Translingual Identity-as-Pedagogy in Classroom Discourse
      6.1  Introduction
      6.2  Ming’s Translingual Identity-as-Pedagogy
      6.3  Bo’s Translingual Identity-as-Pedagogy
      6.4  Sara’s Translingual Identity-as-Pedagogy
      6.5  Change in Situated Identities in Sara’s Class
      6.6  Chapter Summary
    Chapter 7 Conclusion and Implications
      7.1  Summary of Findings
      7.2  Theoretical Contribution
      7.3  Implications
      7.4  Directions for Future Research



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