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    • 孔子儒学与儒家学派(英文版)/中国人文标识
      • 作者:张玉慧//魏巍|责编:梁媛|译者:童寒梅
      • 出版社:五洲传播
      • ISBN:9787508551371
      • 出版日期:2024/01/01
      • 页数:187
    • 售价:51.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter Ⅰ  Who was Confucius
      Section 1  Peculiar Signs of the Sage
      Section 2  From ‘Devotion to Studying’ to ‘Tireless Learning’
      Section 3  Top Scholar Aims at Officialdom
      Section 4  Travelling to Other States to Pursue His Dream
      Section 5  The Great Master and His 3,000 Disciples
      Section 6  The Birth of the Confucian Canon-The Analects of Confucius
    Chapter Ⅱ  The Origins and Evolution of Confucianism
      Section 1  Benevolence, Righteousness, Propriety, Wisdom and Trustworthiness
      Section 2  From the Contending of All Schools of Thought to Venerating Confucianism Alone
      Section 3  The Syncretism of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism
      Section 4  Neo-Confucianism of the Song Dynasty and the Culmination of Confucian Development
      Section 5  Confucianism During the Ming and Qing Dynasties
    Chapter  Ⅲ  The Inheritance and Development of Confucianism
      Section 1  The Tortuous Development of Modern Confucianism
      Section 2  The Rise of Confucianism Fervor
      Section 3  Grand Activities in Memory of Confucius
      Section 4  Reviewing the Classics by Removing the Dross and Retaining the Essences
    Chapter Ⅳ  The Chinese View of Confucianism
      Section 1  The Prevalent Decorum Culture
      Section 2  Outer Round and Inner Square Social Behavior
      Section 3  Chinese Patriotism
      Section 4  The Chinese People's Sense of a Native Hometown
      Section 5  Social Ideal of Universal Peace
    Chapter Ⅴ  Oriental Wisdom Shining Around the World
      Section 1  The Influence of Confucian Culture on Asia
      Section 2  China Fever in the Modern West
      Section 3  Within the Four Seas, All Men Are Brothers
      Section 4  Inheritance of Confucianism by Overseas Chinese
    Appendix  A  Brief Chinese Chronology


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