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    • 农林英语/21世纪大学实用行业英语系列
      • 作者:编者:辛琳//魏东霞|责编:郑梅侠
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309099577
      • 出版日期:2024/01/01
      • 页数:169
    • 售价:12.8
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit One Aquaculture
      Passage A Aquaculture
      Passage B Feeds Technology
      Passage C Fish Cultivation in Natural Lakes
    Unit Two Forestry
      Passage A Growing Trees in the Desert,with the Aid of a“Waterbox”
      Passage B Forest Fire Prevention Efforts Could Lessen Carbon Sequestration,Add to Greenhouse Warming
      Passage C Children Teach Forest Fire Prevention in Russia
    Unit Three Horticulture
      Passage A Experts Stress on Greenhouse Flower Cultivation
      Passage B Flowering Bonsai
      Passage C Let's Get Breeding,Baby!
    Unit Four Pets
      Passage A How to Raise Friendly Dogs
      Passage B Caring for Pets
      Passage C Coping with Allergies to Pets
    Unit Five Agricultural Products
      Passage A Agricultural Exhibitions
      Passage B International Trade of Agricultural Products
      Passage C Buckwheat Flour Adds Nutrients and Flavor to Baked Goods
    Unit Six Farming
      Passage A Growth of Organic Farming
      Passage B How to Build an Indoor Hydroponic Greenhouse
      Passage C How to Grow Green Manure
    Unit Seven Food
      Passage A Food Additives
      Passage B GM Food
      Passage C Improving Helpful Micro-organisms
    Unit Eight Ecotourism
      Passage A Definition of Ecotourism
      Passage B Benefits of Ecotourism— Win-Win Solution
      Passage C Ecotourism in a Nutshell



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