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    • 微积分(Ⅱ双语版国际本科学术互认课程数学基础系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:程晓亮//华志强//王洋//陈丽莹//刘鹏飞等|责编:曾琬婷//尹照原
      • 出版社:北京大学
      • ISBN:9787301294185
      • 出版日期:2018/04/01
      • 页数:166
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Preliminary Analysis of Space Analytic Geometry
    第1章  空间解析几何初步
      1.1  Vectors and Linear Operations
      1.1  向量及线性运算
        1.The Concept of Vector
        2.Linear Operations of Vectors
        3.Space Cartesian Coordinate System
      1.2  Scalar Product and Cross Product
      1.2  数量积与向量积
        1.Definition and Operation Law of Scalar Product
        2.Cartesian Coordinate Operation of Scalar Product
        3.The Definition and Operation Rule of Cross Product
        4.Cartesian Coordinate Operation of Cross Product
        5.The Relationship and Its Judgement of Vectors
      1.3  Plane and Its Equation
      1.3  平面及其方程
        1.Point Normal form Equation of the Plane
        2.General Equation of the Plane
        3.Intercept Equation of the Plane
        4.Three Points Equation of the Plane
        5.The Angle Between Two Planes and the Positional Relationship
        6.Distance from Point to Plane
      1.4  Space Straight Lines and Their Equations
      1.4  空间直线及其方程
        1.Symmetric Equation of a Straight Line
        2.Parametric Equation of a Straight Line
        3.General Equation of a Straight Line
        4.The General Formula of Linear Equation and Transformation of Symmetric Formula
        5.The Angle and  Positional Relation Between  Two Straight Lines in Space
        6.The Angle and Position Relation Between a Line and a Plane

        7.Distance from Point to Line
      1.5  Quadratic Surfaces and Their Equations
      1.5  二次曲面及其方程
        1.Spherical Surface
        6.Rotating Surface
      1.6  Space Curves and Their Equations
      1.6  空间曲线及其方程
        1.General Equation of Space Curve
        2.Parametric Equation of Space Curve
        3.The Projection of a Space Curve on a Coordinate Surface
      Exercises 1
    Chapter 2  Derivatives for the Function of Several Variables
    第2章  多元函数的微分
      2.1  The Basic Concept of the Function of Several Variables
      2.1  多元函数的基本概念
        1.Planar Point Set
        2.The Concept of the Function of Several Variables
      2.2  Limit and Continuity of the  Function of Two Variables
      2.2  多元函数的极限与连续性
        1.Limit of the Function of Two Variables
        2.Continuity of the Function of Two Variables
      2.3  Partial Derivatives
      2.3  偏导数
        1.Concept of the Partial Derivatives
        2.Rule for Finding Partial Derivatives
        3.Geometric Interpretations of Partial Derivative
        4.Partial Derivatives of Higher Order

        5.More than Two Variables
      2.4  Total Differential
      2.4  全微分
        1.The Concept of Total Differential
        2.The Application of Total Differential in Approximate Calculation
      2.5  The Derivative Rule of Multivariate Composite Function
      2.5  多元复合函数的求导法则
      2.6  The Derivative Rule of Implicit Function
      2.6  隐函数的求导法则
      2.7  Local Extremum, Maximum and Minimum
      2.7  局部极值,最值
        1.Local Extremum
        2.Maximum and Minimum
      Exercises 2
    Chapter 3  Double Integral
    第3章  二重积分
      3.1  The Double Integral on Closed Rectangles
      3.1  闭矩形区域上的二重积分
        1.The Definition of the  Double Integral
        2.The Existence Question of Double Integral
        3.Properties of the Double Integral
        4.Simple Calculation of Double Integrals
      3.2  Iterated Integrals
      3.2  累次积分
        1.Change the Double Integral to the Iterated Integral
        2.Calculating Iterated Integral
      3.3  The Double Integral on Non Closed Rectangular Regions
      3.3  非闭矩形区域上的二重积分
        1.The Definition of Double Integral on a Bounded Closed Area
        2.Calculation of Double Integral on a Bounded Closed Area
      3.4  The Double Integral in Polar Coordinates
      3.4  极坐标下的二重积分
      3.5  Applications of Double Integral
      3.5  二重积分的应用
        1.The Quality of Flat Sheet

        2.Center of Mass of Flat Sheet
        3.The Moment of Inertia of a Flat Sheet
      Exercises 3
    Chapter 4  Infinite Series
    第4章  无穷级数
      4.1  Determine Whether the Infinite Series Converges or Diverges
      4.1  判断无穷级数的敛散性
        1.The Concept of Convergence and Divergence of Series
        2.The Basic Property of the Series
      4.2  The Positive Terms Series
      4.2  正项级数
      4.3  Alternating Series, Absolute Convergence and Conditional Convergence
      4.3  交错级数, 绝对收敛和条件收敛
        1.Alternating Series and Its Tests for Convergence
        2.Absolute and Conditional Convergence
      4.4  Power Series
      4.4  幂级数
      4.5  Operations and Properties of Power Series
      4.5  幂级数的运算与性质
        1.Operations  of Power Series
        2.Properties of Power Series
      Exercises 4



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