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    • 华时代大学英语综合教程(3学生用书华时代大学英语系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:崔艳丽//谢庆立|责编:罗兰//陈彦婕|总主编:陶文好
      • 出版社:复旦大学
      • ISBN:9787309157451
      • 出版日期:2023/07/01
      • 页数:270
    • 售价:27.6
  • 内容大纲

        《华时代大学英语综合教程学生用书3》包含8个单元,供一学期使用。每单元的内容设计和语言训练围绕单元主题展开,层层深入,相辅相成。单元结构包括Part 1 Getting Ready,Part 2 Reading and Understanding,Part 3 Guided Writing和Part 4 Unit Project: All About China 4个板块。
  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Unit 1 Education
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A How Education Improves Your Life
      Text B The Goal of Higher Education in the Changing World of Work
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Developing Critical Thinking Skiffs in Writing
      Part 4 Unit Project: AttAbout China
      Life Is Limited, But Knowledge/s Limitless
    Unit 2 Communication
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A The Role of Technology in the Evolution of
      Text B Breaking Barriers: Communication Gaps Between
      Generations in the Workplace
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Logical Reasoning and Common Logical Fallacies in Writing
      Part 4 Unit Project: ALl.About China
      The Blue Bird
    Unit 3 Science
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A Does Our Tech Match Past Sci-fi Marvels?
      Text B 5G Cou/dn't Have Come to Health Care at a Better Time
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Comparative Essay
      Part 4 Unit Project: All About China
      Report: 85% of Users Paid by Scanning QR Codes in 2020
    Unit 4 Environment
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Reading and Understanding
      Text A This Meat Could Help the Planet/
      Text B One, Two, Tree: How AI Helped Find Millions of
      Trees in the Sahara
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Pro-and-con Essay
      Part 4 Unit Project: All About China
      Poyang Lake -- "the Second Great Wall" of China
    Unit 5 Modernization
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A The Nature of Modem Society
      Text B Understanding Society
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Develop an Argumentative Essay -- Inductive and Deductive Essay
      Part 4 Unit Project: AttAbout China
      Pursuing Innovation-driven Development and Accelerating
      Modernization of the Industrial System
    Unit 6 Gene

      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A Gene Editing Shifts Food Possibilities Forward
      Text B When We Unlock the Secrets of Our Genes, What
      Do We Do with That Knowledge?
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Cause-effect Essay
      Part l, Unit Project: Art About China
      Tan Jiazhen
    Unit 7 Society
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Reading and Understanding
      Text A Our Relationship with Society
      Text B Your Social Life: Are You a Fox or a Hedgehog?
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Developing Writing and Critical Thinking Skiffs Through
      Part 4 Unit Project: Art About China
      The Thought of Harmony in Ancient China
    Unit 8 History
      Part 1 Getting Ready
      Part 2 Readingand Understanding
      Text A How Exploring History Can Help Us Have a Better Future
      Text B Why Study History?
      Part 3 Guided Writing
      Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Writing
      Part 4 Unit Project: All About China
      Reviewing the Past Helps Us Understand the Present and
      Predict the Future



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