本书的主要目的是对理论和数值计算进行独立和系统的介绍,这些理论和数值计算涉及上半平面、单位圆盘或其他规范区域内简单的或多连接域的共形映射。本书被分为三个部分,包含25章内容,还包含10个附录,给出了500多个插图,详细介绍了300多个共形映射。第一部分介绍了理论与共形映射,在它们的几何和代数性质上进行定义,是贯穿于全书的主线;第二部分给出了解决各种作为共形映射结果出现的积分方程的数值方法;第三部分是对共形映射和数值计算的相关应用。 -
Notations, Definitions, and Acronyms
Part 1: Theory and Conformal Maps
1 Introduction
1.1 Historical Background
1.2 Modern Developments
1.3 In Retrospect
2 Conformal Mapping
2.1 Definitions
2.1.1 Analytic Functions
2.1.2 Integration
2.1.3 Fatou's Lemma
2.2 Jordan Contour
2.2.1 HSlder Condition
2.3 Metric Spaces
2.4 Basic Theorems
2.4.1 Singularities
2.4.2 Residues
2.4.3 Boundary Values for Cauchy Integral
2.4.4 Argument Principle
2.4.5 Plemelj Formulas
2.5 Harmonic Functions
2.5.1 Harmonic Conjugate
2.5.2 Capacity
2.6 Univalent Functions
2.6.1 Conformality and Uniqueness
2.6.2 Conformal and Isogonal Mappings
2.6.3 Conformal Mapping of an Area Element
2.6.4 Analytic Continuation
2.6.5 Chain Property
2.6.6 Schwarz Reflection Principle
2.6.7 Conformal Equivalence
2.6.8 Riemann Sphere
2.6.9 Bieberbach Conjecture
2.6.10 Mercator's Projection
2.7 Taylor Series Approximations
2.7.1 Interior of the Unit Circle
3 Linear and Bilinear Transformations
3.1 Definitions of Certain Curves
3.1.1 Line
3.1.2 Circle
3.1.3 Ellipse
3.1.4 Hyperbola
3.1.5 Rectangular Hyperbola
3.1.6 Parabola
3.1.7 Cassini's Ovals and Lenmiscate
3.1.8 Cardioid and Lima~ons
3.2 Bilinear Transformations
3.2.1 Fixed Points
3.2.2 Linear Transformation
3.2.3 Composition of Bilinear Transformations
Map 3.1. Involutory Transformation
Map 3.2. Three Points onto Three Points
Map 3.3. Sequence of Bilinear Transformations
3.3 Cross-Ratio
3.3.1 Symmetric Points
3.3.2 Symmetry Principle
3.3.3 Special Cases
Part 2:Numerical Conformal Mapping
Part 3: Applications
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