本书共分为九个单元,每个单元由以下几部分组成:Warm-up课前预热、Passage Reading篇章阅读、Exercises课后练习、Further Reading扩展阅读。本书选材真实,所有语料原汁原味,并配有习题和参考答案。
本书可作为军事高等院校跨文化交际类课程的教材使用,也可供广大官兵和英语爱好者查阅参考。 -
Unit 1 Culture, Communication and Intercultural Communication
1.1 Culture
1.1.1 Introduction
1.1.2 Defining Culture
1.1.3 Characteristics of Culture
1.1.4 Conclusion
1.2 Communication
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Defining Communication and Its Characteristics
1.2.3 Relationship Between Communication and Culture
1.3 Intercultural Communication
1.3.1 Introduction
1.3.2 Defining Intercultural Communication
1.3.3 Elements of Intercultural Communication
1.3.4 Challenges of Studying Intercultural Communication
Further Reading
Understanding Intercultural Competence
How Do Intercultural Relationships Work
Unit 2 Cultural Differences and Worldview
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Cultural Diversity
2.3 Cultural Differences
2.4 Worldview
2.4.1 Worldview and Religion
2.4.2 Similarities and Differences Among Religions
Further Reading
Worldview and Culture (Africana Studies)
Unit 3 Cultural Values
3.1 Introduction to Cultural Values
3.2 Hofstede's Value Dimensions
3.2.1 Power Distance
3.2.2 Individualism Versus Collectivism
3.2.3 Uncertainty Avoidance
3.2.4 Masculinity-Femininity
3.2.5 Long- and Short-Term Orientation
3.2.6 Indulgence Versus Restraint
3.3 Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck's Value Orientations
3.3.1 Human Nature Orientation
3.3.2 Person Nature Orientation
3.3.3 Time Orientation
3.3.4 Activity Orientation
3.3.5 Relational (Social) Orientation
3.4 Hall's High-Context and Low-Context Orientation
3.4.1 High-Context
3.4.2 Low-Context
Further Reading
Values Studies: History and Concepts
Etic and Emic Approaches
Unit 4 Verbal Communication
Unit 5 Nonverbal Communication
Unit 6 Intercultural Adaptation
Unit 7 Military Protocol and Etiquette
Unit 8 Introduction to Top Militaries of the World
Unit 9 Laws and Regulations in Military Exchange and Cooperation
- 向着光亮那方/谁的青春不迷茫系列16.8
- 你所谓的稳定不过是在浪费生命15.2
- 全球通史(从史前史到21世纪第7版修订版下)/培文书系21.6
- 答案之书(精)15.2
- 八万四千问18
- 万历十五年/黄仁宇作品系列10.4
- 耶路撒冷三千年(精)31.2
- 中国大历史/黄仁宇作品系列11.2
- 梦的解析15.92
- 鱼羊野史(第6卷11-12月晓松说历史上的今天)18
孩子你慢慢来/人生三书 华人世界率性犀利的一枝笔,龙应台独家授权《孩子你慢慢来》20周年经典新版。她的《...
时间简史(插图版) 相对论、黑洞、弯曲空间……这些词给我们的感觉是艰深、晦涩、难以理解而且与我们的...
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