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    • 沉浸郁含英咀华(奉婷名师工作室悦读叙事撷英)
      • 作者:奉婷|责编:李珊珊
      • 出版社:辽宁大学
      • ISBN:9787569808919
      • 出版日期:2022/11/01
      • 页数:281
    • 售价:23.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    上篇  The Secret Garden
      Chapter 1—3 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 4—6 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 7—10 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 11—14 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 15—17 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 18—20 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 21—23 of The Secret Garden
      Chapter 24—27 of The Secret Garden
    中篇  A Christmas Carol
      Chapter 1—3 of A Christmas Carol
      Chapter 4—5 of A Christmas Carol
    下篇  The Book Thief
      Part One of The Book Thief
        Arrival on Himmel Street—Growing up a Saumensch
        The Woman with an Iron Fist—The Other Side of Sandpaper
      Part One—Two of The Book Thief
        The Smell of Friendship—The Joy of Cigarettes
      Part Two of The Book Thief
        The Town Walker—100 Percent Pure German Sweat
      Part Two—Three of The Book Thief
        The Gates of Thievery—The Mayor’s Library
      Part Three of The Book Thief
        Enter the Struggler—The Struggler Continued
      Part Three—Four of The Book Thief
        Tricksters—A Good Girl
      Part Four of The Book Thief
        The Short History of the Jewish Fist Fighter—The Sleeper
      Part Four—Five of The Book Thief
        The Swapping of Nightmares—The Floating Book(Part I)
      Part Five of The Book Thief
        The Gamblers(A Seven-Sided Die)—Rudy’s Youth
      Part Five of The Book Thief
        The Losers—Three Acts of Stupidity by Rudy Steiner
      Part Five—Six of The Book Thief
        The Floating Book(PartⅡ)—Thirteen Presents
      Part Six of The Book Thief
        Fresh Air, an Old Nightmare, and What to Do with  a Jewish Corpse—The Schmunzeler
      Part Six—Seven of The Book Thief
        Death’s Diary:The Parisians—The Sound of Sirens
      Part Seven of The Book Thief
        The Sky Stealer—Peace
      Part Seven—Eight of The Book Thief
        The Idiot and the Coat Men—The Promise Keeper’s Wife
      Part Eight of The Book Thief
        The Collector—The Anarchist’s Suit Collection
      Part Nine of The Book Thief
        The Next Temptation—The Bitter Taste of Questions
      Part Nine of The Book Thief
        One Toolbox, One Bleeder, One Bear—The War Maker

      Part Ten of The Book Thief
        Way of the Words—The Rib-Cage Planes
      Part Ten—Epilogue of The Book Thief
        The End of the World(PartⅡ)—The Handover Man


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