本书为全英文教材,内容上根据目前现有的实验室条件,结合实验课学时安排进行编排。教材内容分为基本理论部分和实验部分,基本理论部分系统地介绍了生理学实验的基本理论、实验方法、现代实验技术和实验研究的知识,实验部分包括模拟实验、基础实验和人体实验。 -
1 Rules for laboratory experiments
1.1 Basic regulations during the practical
1.2 Rules of experiments on volunteers
1.3 Rules of experiments on animals
1.4 Regulations for the use of the internet
2 Introduction to animal operative surgery
2.1 Anesthesia and pain relief
2.2 Immobilization of the animal
2.3 Injections
2.4 Preparation of the area of the operation
2.5 Types of operation
2.6 Physiological requirements
2.7 Surgical instruments
2.8 Preparation
2.9 Wound closure:sutures and staples
2.10 Postoperative treatment
3 Introduction to biological signal acquisition and processing system
3.1 Biological signal acquisition and processing system quick start guide
3.2 Advanced biological signal acquisition and processing system quick start guide
4 The laboratory terminology of medical physiology
4.1 Medical physiology terminologies
4.2 Medical physiology position
4.3 Ancient Greek and Latin words used to build medical physiology terms
5 Practices
5.1 Compound action potential in the frog sciatic nerve
5.2 Frog gastrocnemius and its somatic motor nerve(sciatic nerve)experiment
5.3 Stannius ligature
5.4 Vascular smooth muscle tension measurement
5.5 Acidosis and intestine smooth muscle autorythmic contractions
5.6 Mouse ventilation effects in normal conditions changes of anatomic dead space and hypoxia
5.7 Frog scratching reflexes
5.8 Renal tubular simulation
5.9 The aerobic capacity estimation
5.10 Scuba diving reflexes
5.11 Anaerobic exercise
5.12 Auscultation and systemic blood pressure measurement
5.13 Electrocardiogram(ECG)/Elektrokardiogram(EKG)
5.14 Posture relative blood pressures
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