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    • 西方文明史与经典导读(第2版21世纪英语专业系列教材)(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:田德新|责编:李蕊
      • 出版社:西安交大
      • ISBN:9787569335279
      • 出版日期:2024/03/01
      • 页数:406
    • 售价:27.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Culture, Civilization and the Significance of the History of Western Civilization
        1.Defining Culture
        2.Early Definitions of Culture
        3.Today's Definitions of Culture
        4.Elements of Culture
        5.Modes or Levels of Culture
        1.Defining Civilization
        2.Two Categories of Meanings
        3.Culture v.s.Civilization
      Significance of the History of Western Civilization
        1.Gaining Historical Insight
        2.Increasing Historical Awareness
        3.Drawing from Past Lessons
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations?"
        Interactive Activities
    Chapter 2  The Greeks: From Myth to Reason
      1.Early Aegean Civilizations
      2.Evolution of the City-States
      3.The Hellenistic Age: The Second Stage of Greek Civilization
      4.The Great Achievements
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Thucydides' "Pericle' Funeral Oration"
        Interactive Activities
    Chapter 3  Rome: From City-State to World Empire
      1.The Origins of Rome
      2.The Roman Republic (508 to 30 BCE)
      3.The First Punic War (264 BCE)
      4.The Revolution (145 BCE to 30 BCE)
      5.The Principate (30 BCE to 192 CE)
      6.The Late Empire and Christianity
      7.The Fall of Rome
      8.The Legacy of the Roman Empire
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Polybius' "Why Romans and Not Greeks Govern the World"
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 4  Early Christianity: A World of Religion
      1.The Origins of Christianity
      2.The Spread of Christianity
      3.Christianity and Classical Humanism: Alternative World-Views
      4.An Introduction to the Study of World Religions
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Bertrand Russell's "Why I am not a Christian"
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 5  The Middle Ages: The Christian Centuries
      1.Early Medieval Europe
      2.England and France

      4.The Emergence of the High Middle Ages
      5.The Crises of the Middle Ages
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Cervantes' Don Quixote
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 6  Transition to the Modern Age: Renaissance and Reformation
      1.Italy: Birthplace of the Renaissance
      2.The Renaissance Outlook
      3.Renaissance Art
      4.The Spread of the Renaissance
      5.The Renaissance and the Modem Age
      6.Background to the Reformation
      7.The Lutheran Revolt
      8.The Spread of the Reformation
      9.The Reformation and the Modem Age
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Shakespeare's Hamlet
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 7  Intellectual Transformation: The Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment
      1.Copernicus' Breaking-Through Idea
      2.The Scientific Process, Mentality, and Method
      3.Scientific Discoveries
      4.Science and Society
      5.Scientific Institutions and Culture
      6.The Philosophical Impact of Science
      7.The Enlightenment
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Adam Smith's An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 8  The Modern West: Progress and Breakdown
      1.The French Revolution
      2.The Industrial Revolution
      3.Thought and Culture as a Result of the Revolutions
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Percy Bysshe Shelley and his "Ode to the West Wind"
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 9  The Western Civilization in Crisis
      1.Crisis and Redefinition
      2.The Problem of Fascism and Nazism
      3.The Postwar West
      4.Geography Concerns
      5.The Modern Predicament
      6.The Legacy of World War Ⅱ
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Winston Churchill's "Iron Curtain Speach"
      Interactive Activities
    Chapter 10 The West in a Globalized World
      1.A False Start
      2.Globalization Returns
      3.The West's Role

      4.The West and the World
      5.Western Hesitancy
      6.The West in the Twenty-First Century
      7.Cultural Clashes and Terrorism
      Primary Reading
        Introduction to Marx and Engels' Manifesto of the Communist Party
      Interactive Activities


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