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    • 英语语言学导论(高等学校英语专业系列教材)
      • 作者:编者:祝敏|责编:包灵灵
      • 出版社:浙江大学
      • ISBN:9787308250375
      • 出版日期:2024/06/01
      • 页数:157
    • 售价:19.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  What is language
      1.2  Design features of language
      1.3  Functions of language
      1.4  Origin of language
      1.5  What is linguistics
      1.6  Some important distinctions in linguistics
    Chapter 2  Phonetics
      2.1  What is phonetics and what are speech organs
      2.2  Phonetic transcription
      2.3  Classification of English speech sounds
    Chapter 3  Phonology
      3.1  Phonology and phonetics
      3.2  Phone, phoneme and allophone
      3.3  Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution and minimal pair
      3.4  Some rules in phonology
      3.5  Suprasegmental features
    Chapter 4  Morphology
      4.1  What is word
      4.2  Classification of words
      4.3  What is morphology
      4.4  What is morpheme
      4.5  MorDholoaical rules
    Chapter 5  Syntax
      5.1  What is syntax
      5.2  The generative approach
      5.3  Category
      5.4  Phrase structure rule
      5.5  Phrase elements
      5.6  The S rule
      5.7  Transformations
    Chapter 6  Semantics
      6.1  What is semantics
      6.2  How to define meaning
      6.3  Lexical meaning
      6.4  Sense relations between sentences
      6.5  Analysis of meaning
    Chapter 7  Pragmatics
      7.1  What is pragmatics
      7.2  Basic concepts in pragmatics
      7.3  Speech Act Theory
      7.4  Theory of conversational implicature
      7.5  Politeness Principle
    Chapter 8  Sociolinguistics
      8.1  The scope of sociolinguistics
      8.2  Varieties of language
      8.3  Standard dialect
      8.4  Pidgin and creole
      8.5  Bilingualism and diglossia
    Chapter 9  Historical Linguistics

      9.1  Introduction to historical linguistics
      9.2  Language history
      9.3  Language change
      9.4  Historical comparative method
      9.5  Why languaqe changes



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