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    • 丘成桐数学论文<1971-1991>选集(英文版共5册)(精)
      • 作者:编者:曹怀东//李骏//(美)孙理察|责编:戚亚
      • 出版社:清华大学
      • ISBN:9787302664727
      • 出版日期:2024/06/01
      • 页数:2084
    • 售价:299.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    1.Metric Geometry and minimal SubmanifoldS
      Foreword by Shing-Tung Yau
      Preface by the Editors
      Commentary by Richard Hamilton
      Commentary by William H. Meeks Ⅲ
      Commentary by Richard Schoen
      Commentary by Leon Simon
        “On the fundamental group of compact manifolds of non-positive curvature”, Annals of Mathematics 93 (1971) 579–585
        (with H. Lawson), “Compact manifolds of nonpositive curvature”, J. Differential Geom. 7 (1972), 211–228
        “Some global theorems on non-complete surfaces”, Comment. Math. Helv. 48 (1973), 177–187.
        (with H. Lawson), “Scalar curvature, non-abelian group actions, and the degree of symmetry of exotic spheres”, Comment. Math. Helv. 49 (1974), 232–244
        “Submanifolds with constant mean curvature”, Amer. J. Math. 96 (1974), no. 2, 346-366
        “Submanifolds with constant mean curvature II”, Amer. J. Math. 97 (1975), no. 1, 76-100
        Contents of the Current Volume “Curvature preserving diffeomorphisms”, Annals of Mathematics (2) 100 (1974), 121–130
        “Non-existence of continuous convex functions on certain Riemannian manifolds”, Math. Ann. 207 (1974) 269–270
        (with S.-Y. Cheng), “Hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature”, Math. Ann. 225 (1977), no. 3, 195–204
        (with R. Schoen and L. Simon), “Curvature estimates for minimal hypersurfaces”, Acta Math. 134 (1975), no. 3-4, 275–288
        (with S.-Y. Cheng), “Maximal space-like hypersurfaces in the Lorentz-Minkowski spaces”, Annals of Mathematics 104 (1976), no. 3, 407–419
        “Remarks on the group of isometries of a Riemannian manifold”, Topology 16 (1977), no. 3, 239–247
        (with W. H. Meeks), “The equivariant Dehn’s lemma and loop theorem”, Comment. Math. Helv. 56 (1981) 225–239
        (with R. Schoen), “On the structure of manifolds with positive scalar curvature”, Manuscripta Math. 28 (1979), no. 1-3, 159–183
        (with W. H. Meeks), “The equivariant loop theorem for three-dimensional manifolds and a review of the existence theorems for minimal surfaces”, Pure Appl. Math. 112 (1984) 153–163
        (with W. H. Meeks), “Topology of three-dimensional manifolds and the embedding problems in minimal surface theory”, Annals of Mathematics 112 (1980) 441–484
        (with W. H. Meeks), “The classical Plateau problem and the topology of three- dimensional manifolds: The embedding of the solution given by Douglas-Morrey and an analytic proof of Dehn’s lemma”, Topology 21 (1982) 409-442
        (with W. H. Meeks and L. Simon), “Embedded minimal surfaces, exotic spheres, and manifolds with positive Ricci curvature”, Annals of Mathematics 116 (1982), 621-659
        (with R. Schoen), “Complete three-dimensional manifolds with positive Ricci curvature and scalar curvature”, Annals of Mathematics Studies 102 (Seminar on Differential Geometry) 209–228, Princeton University Press, 1988
    2.Metric Geometry and Harmonic Functions
    3.Eigenvalues and General Relativity
    4.Kahler Geometry Ⅰ
    5.Kahler Geometry Ⅱ



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