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    • 灵活虚拟教学平台(一种基于语义网络和本体论的模式驱动方法)(英文版)
      • 作者:闻立鹏//李浩君|责编:张冠男
      • 出版社:上海交大
      • ISBN:9787313307064
      • 出版日期:2024/05/01
      • 页数:223
    • 售价:35.6
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Chapter 1  Introduction
      1.1  Broad Picture
      1.2  Hypothesis and Aim
      1.3  The Practical Questions and Values
      1.4  Methodology
      1.5  Book Outline
    Chapter 2  Humans and Learning
      2.1  Theoretical Basis
      2.2  Instructional Approaches
      2.3  Individualized Creation of Educational Processes
      2.4  Individualized Control of Educational Processes
    Chapter 3  Computers and Education
      3.1  Introduction to E-Learning
      3.2  Open Source Virtual Learning Environments
      3.3  Semantic Web and Ontology
      3.4  Main Standards
      3.5  Three Scenarios of Existing E-Learning Systems
      3.6  The Technical Problems
    Chapter 4  A Schema-Driven Approach Using Semantic Web and Ontology
      4.1  Definitions
      4.2  The Deriving of Schema-Driven Approach
      4.3  Why Select the Semantic Web
      4.4  Problems of Existing Approaches in the Semantic Web
      4.5  A Schema-Driven Approach
      4.6  The Theoretical Representation of Approach in E-Learning
    Chapter 5  Design a Schema-Driven Approach
      5.1  The Technical Framework of Approach
      5.2  A Schema-Driven Management System
      5.3  A Schema-Driven Distributed Database Management System
      5.4  Databases of Schema, Ontology, and Metadata
      5.5  An Application of Schema-Driven Approach in E-Learning
    Chapter 6  Design a Flexible Virtual Learning Environment
      6.1  Description of a Flexible VLE
      6.2  The Allocation of System Components to Users
      6.3  Design a Learning Process Management System
    Chapter 7  Implement a Flexible Virtual Learning Environment
      7.1  Selection of Development Tool
      7.2  Describe and Assemble the Semantics in E-Learning
      7.3  Individualized Control of Education Processes
      7.4  Version Management and Concurrency Control
    Chapter 8  Evaluation
      8.1  A Case Study
      8.2  Results
      8.3  Findings
    Chapter 9  Conclusions
      9.1  Contributions
      9.2  Reflection on the Process
      9.3  Reflection on the Methodology
      9.4  Further Work
    Appendix A: List of Flowcharts

    Appendix B: List of Detailed BNF Definitions
    Appendix C: Schemas, Ontologies, and Data Elements
    Appendix D: Evaluation Methodology
    Appendix E: The Handout for the Case Study
    Appendix F: An Example of the Running Scripts Used in the Case Study


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