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    • 当代世界与中国(英文版)
      • 作者:编者:曹文宏|责编:徐建娇|译者:陈文革//刘碧秋//钟毓欣//卫妮
      • 出版社:中国人民大学
      • ISBN:9787300329376
      • 出版日期:2024/09/01
      • 页数:192
    • 售价:31.2
  • 内容大纲

  • 作者介绍

  • 目录

    Introduction  The Contemporary World and China in the New Era
      1.A World Full of Hope and Challenges
      2.New Historical Juncture in China's Development
      3.The Contemporary World Connecting and Interacting with China
    Chapter 1  Economic Development of the Contemporary World and China
      1.1  The Contemporary World Economy and Globalization
        1.1.1  Economic Globalization Accelerating the Formation of Communities of Common Interests
        1.1.2  The Major Problems Facing the Contemporary World Economy
      1.2  The Miracle and Mystery of China's Economic Development
        1.2.1  The Miracle of China's Economic Development
        1.2.2  The Mystery of China's Economic Development
      1.3  China's Role in the Development of the World Economy
        1.3.1  China as a Spearhead for Economic Globalization
        1.3.2  China as a Good Friend to Developing Countries
        1.3.3  China as an Advocate of the Global Economic Order
    Chapter 2  Political Development of the Contemporary World and China
      2.1  The Western Political Model and the Challenges It Faces
        2.1.1  The Western Political Model
        2.1.2  Challenges to the Western Political Model
      2.2  China's Choice of Political Development Path and Its Civilizational Roots
        2.2.1  China's Choice of Political Development Path
        2.2.2  The Civilizational Roots of China's Political Development
      2.3  China's Path in the Development of World Political Civilization
        2.3.1  Dispelling the Myth of Western Democracy
        2.3.2  Contributions of China's Path to the Development of World Political Civilization
    Chapter 3  Cultural Development of the Contemporary World and China
      3.1  Cultural Diversity of the Contemporary World
        3.1.1  Diversity of the Contemporary World Culture
        3.1.2  Cultural Development of the Contemporary World Is Facing Cultura Hegemony
      3.2  The Characteristics and Codes of Contemporary Chinese Culture
        3.2.1  Cultural Roots of Unity in Diversity
        3.2.2  Cultural Wisdom with Harmony in Diversity
        3.2.3  An Awareness of Potential Dangers in Times of Peace
      3.3  China's Responsibilities for the Development of World Cultural Diversity
        3.3.1  Respecting Cultural Diversity and Opposing Cultural Hegemony
        3.3.2  Seeking the Prosperity and Progress of World Culture Through Exchanges and Mutual Leaning
    Chapter 4  Social Governance of the Contemporary World and China
      4.1  Social Issues and Governance Dilemmas of the Contemporary World
        4.1.1  Social Issues of the Contemporary World
        4.1.2  Social Governance Models and Dilemmas of the Contemporary World ...0f
      4.2  Achievements and Wisdom of China's Social Governance
        4.2.1  China's Achievements in Social Governance
        4.2.2  China's Wisdom in Social Governance
      4.3  China's Experience in Innovating Social Governance
        5.1.2  Major Ecological and Environmental Issues Facing the World
      5.2  China's Achievements and Secrets in Ecological and Environmental Governanсe
        5.2.1  China's Achievements in Ecological and Environmental Governance
        5.2.2  China's Secrets in Ecological and Environmental Governance
      5.3  China's Actions in Ecological and Environmental Governance
        5.3.1  Activelv Fulflling Intemational Ecological Obligations i
        5.3.2  Deeply Participating in Global Ecological Governance
        5.3.3  Endeavoring to Maintain International Ecological Justice
    Chapter 6  Technological Progress of the Contemporary World and China
      6.1  Technological Development of the Contemporary World
        6.1.1  The Trend of Science and Technology Development in the Contemporary World
        6.1.2  Challenges to Global Science and Technology Governance
      6.2  Building China's Strength in Science and Technology
        6.2.1  The Path and Achievements of China's Science and Technology Development
        6.2.2  The Civilization Foundation for China's Science and Technology Development
      6.3  China's Contribution to Global Scientific and Technological Innovation
        6.3.1  Taking the Lead in Input and Output of Global Science and Technology
        6.3.2  Promoting Global Cooperation in Science, Technology and Innovation
        6.3.3  Promoting Open Access and Better Sharing of Global Scientific and Technological Achievements
        6.3.4  Opposing Technological Hegemony
    Chapter 7  The Contemporary International Environment and China's Peaceful Development
      7.1  The Contemporary International Environment
        7.1.1  The Growing Trend Toward Multipolarization
        7.1.2  A Gloomy Outlook for Peace
      7.2  China's Peaceful Development and Its Roots
        7.2.1  China in Pursuit of Peaceful Development
        7.2.2  Chinese Civilization in Pursuit of Balanced Harmony
      7.3  China's Position in Maintaining World Peаce
        7.3.1  Upholding the Greater Good While Pursuing Shared Interests
        7.3.2  Advocating a Holistic Approach to National Security
        7.3.3  Building a New Model of International Relations
    Concluding Remarks  Working Together to Build a Global Community of Shared Future and a Better World


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