本书为《中华文化概要》英文版,坚持以马克思主义基本理论与中国历史实际相结合的大历史观和文化演进逻辑统领全书撰写思路。导言阐述大历史观,中华之为中华;第一章盘点中华文化形成的不拔之基;第二章洞悉儒道佛哲学思想;第三章提炼千年道统的中华文化基本精神;第四章展现道不离器的中华文化基本形式;第五章梳理美美与共的中外文化交融与互鉴;第六章阐释其命维新的中华文化传承与创新及其现实路径;第七章彰显中华文化的时代价值和天下大同的世界意义;结语呼应前言,同时呼吁广大港澳台侨学生融通中外文明,为构建“和而不同、美美与共”的人类命运共同体贡献青春力量。本书可作为高校港澳台侨学生通识教育的通用教材,也可作为高校通识教育课程的选用教材,还可作为广大读者研习中华文化的参考书。 -
Introduction The Grand Historical Perspective: What Makes China, China?
1.1 What Is "Zhongguo"? What Is “Zhonghua”?
1.1.1 What Is "Zhongguo"?
1.1.2 What Is "Zhonghua”?
1.2 Overview of Chinese Culture
1.2.1 Chinese Culture
1.2.2 The Chinese Nation
1.2.3 The Chinese Nation as One Community
1.3 Chinese Culture from a Grand Historical Perspective
Chapter 1 The Origin of Chinese Culture
1.1 Geography
1.1.1 Features of Chinese Geography
1.1.2 Geography and Chinese Culture
1.2 Economy
1.2.1 Two Economic Forms in Ancient China: Farming Economy and Nomadic Economy
1.2.2 Incomplete Natural Economy and Capitalist Economy: The Economic Forms of Modern Society
1.2.3 Transition from the New Democratic Economy to Socialist Economy: Modern Forms of Social Economy
1.3 Political Structure
1.3.1 Traditional Political Structure: Patriarchal Clan System and Centralized System
1.3.2 Modern Political Structure: A Republic
1.3.3 Contemporary Political Structure: The People's Congresses
1.4 Cultural Integration among All Ethnic Groups
1.4.1 The Integration between the Farming Culture of the Central Plains and the Nomadic Culture of Northern China
1.4.2 The Integration between the Farming Culture of the Central Plains and the Shifting Cultivation Culture of the High-Mountain Areas in Southem China
1.4.3 Cultural Contributions of Ethnic Minorities to Chinese Culture
1.4.4 Historical Experience of Interactions, Exchanges and Integration amongAll Ethnic Groups
1.5 The Unifled Multi-Ethnic Chinese Nation
1.5.1 Colorful Regional Cultures
1.5.2 ADiverse yet Unified Chinese Civilization
Chapter 2 Ancient Chinese Philosophy
2.1 Confucianism
2.1.1 Confucius
2.1.2 Mencius
2.1.3 Xunzi
2.1.4 Zhu Xi
2.1.5 Wang Yangming
2.2 Daoism
2.2.1 Laozi
2.2.2 Zhuangzi
2.3 Buddhism
2.3.1 Central Ideas of Chinese Buddhism
2.3.2 Chinese Buddhism in the Contemporary World
Chapter 3 The Spirit of Chinese Culture
3.1 The Great Unity Ideal
3.1.1 The Strong Centralized Political System
3.1.2 Cultural Identity as the Basis of the Chinese Nation as One Community
3.1.3 A Global View of Harmonious Coexistence
3.2 Paramount Importance of Peace and the Doctrine of the Mean
3.2.1 He (Harmony)
3.2.2 Zhongyong (the Doctrine of the Mean)
3.3 People First
3.3.1 People as the Foundation of a State
3.3.2 Benevolent Rule and Edification
3.4 Strive for Self-Perfection
3.4.1 Striving Unceasingly
3.4.2 Innovation Mindset
3.4.3 Righteousness and Patriotism
3.5 Great Virtue and Great Responsibilities
3.5.1 Gentleness and Universal Love
3.5.2 Openness and Inclusiveness
Chapter 4 The Achievements of Chinese Culture
4.1 Languages
4.1.1 The Origins of Chinese Language and Characters
4.1.2 The Rich Cultural Connotations of the Chinese Language and Characters
4.2 Chinese Traditional Historiography
4.2.1 The Great Achievements of Chinese Traditional Historiography
4.2.2 Fine Traditions of Chinese Traditional Historiography
4.3 Masterpieces of Chinese Literature
4.3.1 The Glorious Achievements of Chinese Literature
4.3.2 The Value of Chinese Literature
4.4 Exquisite Art
4.4.1 Brilliant Traditional Chinese Art
4.4.2 Characteristics of Chinese Art
4.5 Science and Technology
4.5.1 The Great Achievements of Chinese Science and Technology
4.5.2 China's Four Great Inventions
4.5.3 The Characteristics of Ancient Chinese Science and Technology
Chapter 5 Interaction and Mutual Learning among Chinese andForeign Cultures
5.1 The Integration of Chinese and Foreign Cultures
5.1.1 The First Great Convergence of Chinese and Foreign Cultures
5.1.2 The Second Great Integration of Chinese and Foreign Cultures
5.1.3 Chinese Culture Going Global
5.2 Comparison of Chinese and Western Cultures and Their Common Values
5.2.1 Comparison of the Fundamental Nature of Chinese and Western Civilizations
5.2.2 Refining the Common Values of Chinese and Western Cultures
5.3 Overseas Chinese and Cultural Exchanges with Foreign Countries
5.3.1 History of the Relationship between Overseas Chinese and the Chinese Nation
5.3.2 Unique Contribution of Overseas Chinese in Cultural Exchanges with Foreign Countries
5.3.3 The Inheritance and Innovation of the Spirit of Overseas Chinese:
5.4 The Silk Road and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
5.4 .I Exchange along the Silk Road
5.4.2 BRI: The Modern Type of International Cooperation
Chapter 6 Inheritance and Innovative Development of Chinese Culture
6.1 Evolution of Chinese Culture
6.1.1 The Conception of Chinese Culture
6.1.2 The Development of Chinese Culture
6.1.3 The Flourishing of Chinese Culture
6.1.4 The Transformation of Chinese Culture
6.1.5 The Revival of Chinese Culture 6.2.1 Innovation and Extension of Cultural Concepts
6.2.2 The Impact of Foreign Cultures-
6.2.3 Exchanges and Mutual Learning between China and the Rest of the World
6.3 Practical Ways of Preserving and Innovating Traditional Chinese Culture
6.3.1 Inheritance and Promotion
6.3.2 Exploration and Elucidation
6.3.3 Coordination and Adaptation
6.3.4 Innovative Transformation and Development
Chapter 7 The Relevance of Traditional Chinese Culture in the Modern World
7.1 The Vitality of Chinese Culture in Society Today
7.1.1 Stability as Political Priority
7.1.2 Y (righteousness)—Ethics in the Economy
7.1.3 Self-Perfection:The Spiritual Home to Chinese
7.1.4 Diplomatic Wisdom of Harmonizing All Nations
7.2 The Common Value of Chinese Culture
7.2.1 The Unique Chinese Path to Modenization
7.2.2 Governance Based on Whole-Process People's Democracу
7.2.3 Harmony and the “Golden Mean”—Awareness of and Confidence in Chinese Culture
7.2.4 Advocating the Ecological Concept of Harmony between Man and Nature
7.2.5 Interpersonal Harmony—A Social View of Community
7.2.6 Unity without Uniformity—A Global Community of Shared Future
Postscript Better Tell China's Stories and Spread Chinese Culture Worldwide
- 向着光亮那方/谁的青春不迷茫系列16.8
- 你所谓的稳定不过是在浪费生命15.2
- 全球通史(从史前史到21世纪第7版修订版下)/培文书系21.6
- 答案之书(精)15.2
- 八万四千问18
- 万历十五年/黄仁宇作品系列10.4
- 耶路撒冷三千年(精)31.2
- 中国大历史/黄仁宇作品系列11.2
- 梦的解析15.92
- 鱼羊野史(第6卷11-12月晓松说历史上的今天)18
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