本书聚焦融媒体时代面向中国学习者使用的高阶英语学习词典中连接性状语的处理,探讨其释义、收录信息类型及信息呈现方式。从连贯理论的视角解读连接性状语,并采用语料库和中介语对比分析的方法,对母语者与中国英语学习者在连接性状语使用上的模式进行细致剖析,强调词条的综合性与多模态特征。 -
CHAPTER 1 Setting the Scene
1.1 Including or Omitting: A Dilemma Revisited
1.2 Overview of This Book
CHAPTER 2 Previous Research and Lexicographic Treatment of Linking Adverbials
2.1 Defining Characteristics
2.2 Previous Research on Linking Adverbials
2.3 Lexicographic Treatment of Linking Adverbials
2.4 Summary
CHAPTER 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Coherence-based Approach to Linking Adverbials
3.2 A Tentative Framework for the Analysis of Linking Adverbials
3.3 A FrameNet Treatment of Linking Adverbials in Dictionaries
3.4 Summary
CHAPTER 4 Data and Methodology
4.1 Contrastive Interlanguage Analysis
4.2 Corpora Used in the Present Study
4.3 Tools
CHAPTER 5 Usage Patterns of Linking Adverbials
5.1 Usage Patterns of Linking Adverbials in the BNC and WECCL
5.2 Corpus Findings
CHAPTER 6 A FrameNet-based Treatment of Linking Adverbials in Learner's Dictionaries
6.1 The Presentation of Linking Adverbials in FrameNet
6.2 A FrameNet-based Treatment of Linking Adverbials
6.3 Advantages of FrameNet Treatment over Traditional Dictionaries
6.4 Summary
CHAPTER 7 Effectiveness of Propositional Frame in Explaining Linking Adverbials
7.1 The Empirical Study
7.2 Discussion
7.3 Summary
CHAPTER 8 Conclusion
8.1 Major Findings
8.2 Pedagogical Implications
8.3 Contributions
8.4 Limitations and Suggestions for Future Study
Ⅰ A List of LAs
Ⅱ Three Versions of 13 Dictionary Entries
Ⅲ Test Papers
Ⅳ Questionnaire
Ⅴ Frequency-loglikelihood of LAs in WECCL
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